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Hello from Dubai

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Hi Guys, Girls n fellow bird lovers..


I am Amit, originally from India but residing in Dubai from the past couple of years. I am an animal lover in general & take a shine to most animals, birds, rodents & reptiles.

I did have 3 green indian parrots back home & have taken care of a lot of other birds like the indian mynah, sparrows, pigeons & other indian birds. Currently I have 2 russian dwarf hamsters & a red eared slider turtle in Dubai. I have been thinking about getting a parrot again & the african grey has always attracted me the most. I have been reading up quite a bit about them on this forum & other websites. I have spent about 2 weeks researching their nature, behaviour, diet etc & although I only have experience in handling easier birds & other creatures I think I am prepared to put in the time & commitment that is required to raise a grey.


Just by reading some of the posts on this forum I have observed that everyone on this forum seems so welcoming & friendly. I was glad to sign up as a new member & look forward to chirpy conversations with all of u bird lovers out there.


I do have a few questions though before I make my final decision as I want to be sure that I will be able to provide the right home for my grey. Could someone tell me if it would be ok to post my questions here in the welcome room or should I post my questions in some other room.




P.S - Sorry for the long post. I do tend to ramble on, so please forgive me if my lengthy posts bore any of you.

Edited by Amit Gomes
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Welcome to uur family! Great intro, thank you for that. If you post your questions in the other rooms, you will get quicker responses. Feel free to ask anything, we have lots of greyt members and you will enjoy being here. I look forward to hearing more from you.

It is great that you are doing your research before getting your bird, that shows you will be a great parront!

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Hi Talon & thanks for the warm welcome....I will get started with my questions...I'm sure i'll get quicker responses if I post my questions in the right sections & I think i'll get started right away...Thanks again...

Hopefully you all will get to see my new charge in the next couple of weeks...Thanks again.....

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Hello Amit and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us.

I am so happy to hear you are doing your research before you plunge in and get that grey, so many don't and then some end up in rehome situations but if they had taken the time to find out if a grey is a good fit for them it could all have been avoided.

Please do read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and as those questions you have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Hi Judy & thanks for welcoming me with arms, or should I say wings wide open...i have been reading various topics on this forum in my free time & have found some extremely helpful posts & threads. The people have been sweet enough to promptly reply to my questions as well...I am enjoying every bit of my time here & getting to learn a lot....A big thanks & kudos to you & the other moderators for running such a helpful & interactive forum...



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Hi Amit and welcome to the forums. i would like to add something here since i am also a UAE resident for the past 14 years. When you make your mind and all ready to buy a Grey, i want you to avoid buying one from Sharjah Bird Market. Most of these birds are wild caught, sick and in very bad condition! Don't support these shops please, as i can give you the mobile number of a local breeder who i bought DJ from. He is very healthy and such a sweet heart. let me know when you are ready and i will help. Welcome again :)

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Hi Twix,


I am so glad to speak to someone from Dubai who is a fellow bird lover... I would never buy a bird from the Sharjah market....My first & only visit there was so upsetting & depressing, seeing the horrific conditions those inhuman people keep their bird & animals in will make any1's heart ache....I would not even buy bird seed from there... I have infact written to newspapers to create an awareness of the unbelievably poor state of the animals there..


I was initially thinking of purchasing a bird from petzone which is well known to provide healthy & happy animals however it seemed quite costly (7000 dhrs for a CAG). I did visit the satwa market & it was recommeded by a few friends as well.. .The birds there seem to be quite healthy & I found a couple of places who keep their birds in really a good environment....


I would be more than happy to speak to & purchase a bird from a breeder but never managed to find anyone. It would be great if you could give me the mobile number & I will speak to this person & make my inquiries. I am sure the birds will be much healthy & taken care of.


I would also like to pick your brain in regards to bird care in Dxb if that would be alright with you.


Thanks for your warm gesture to help. It is much appreciated




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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Twix, show me some love. :P Send me the contact number of the breeder. I was at the Sharjah Bird Market just yesterday - don't worry I didn't buy anything. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted. So I decided I've got to get in touch with you again and ask you that breeder info again. Btw, what are your thoughts on Indian Ringneck parrots?

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IRNs are awesome parrots, i can tell you that! They are extremely playful but very independent. Unlike CAGs, they want to be on their own and behave as if they own your house. My IRN is now 4 years and 7 months, he loves me and i love him back. But he bites real hard if i try and stop him from damaging anything at home, this means if he wants to remove one of the buttons on my keyboard i can't stop him. I have three keys missing already. They need attention just like all parrots, but sometimes they must be left alone.


They are not as messy as CAGs, little cleaning is needed daily. Their talking ability is limited compared to CAGs, Susu didn't learn much and i had him since he was a very small baby (Three weeks old i think). He does say "I Love you", "Good Boy", "Hello", "Come Here" and he makes some funny sounds or laugh like me. Their flying ability is great and can fly really well in small places. They rarely get sick and in Susu's case he never did "Thank God". I would never sell him or give him away as we developed a very strong bond already, and he is part of my family now.


IRNs are a lot of fun and great companions if you want the truth, but they are a little aggressive and more territorial than other parrots. IRNs are now known to be part of the local wild life of the UAE. You see them flying everywhere these days, and the UAE Government had to control their population during the last few years and caught thousands of them.

Regarding the breeder, check your private message.

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Hey Aerial, i am around! I thought i don't see you around much lol. I do check the forums daily but i am loaded with work these days. DjJ is doing really well, the bond between us is outstanding. He is getting more fun everyday and the whole family love him. I still need to get him accept the rest of the flock though. No one can touch him but me, he won't accept anyone! They try hard, using all sort of treats and his favorite food, but hey, not a chance yet. Almost accepted my daughter two months ago and now he changed his mind. Tia keeps asking me: Daddy, when will DJ be my friend? lol i have taken some videos of him and Susu, and hopefully i can upload them soon. Good to hear back from you :)

How is Ms.Marco doing?

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  • 7 months later...

Hi Twix,

I am a bird lover to, have been since childhood. My African grey Congo breed just died a few days ago. We are all so sad in our family. I was thinking to get a new one and have visited the Sharjah souk twice now, with no luck. It's hard to find any real advice on Dubai region and was lucky enough to find you all here and get some regional tips and info. I to am really interested in the breeder you mentioned earlier cause I didn't like what i saw at the souk and am worried i will be swindled into a bad thing.

I know this forum was last posted in Feb of last year but i really want to get a good bird for my family I don't want to see them devastated with a ill treated bird with a bad temperament.

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