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Our little R2 unit


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Noodle recently picked up on a bunch of R2D2 noises from Star Wars! He also burps, hiccups, sings the Close Encounters of the Third Kind song, makes the microwave noise, and a bunch of cell phone noises. Anybody else have some fun sound effects?

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I tried really hard to get our guy to make the R2D2 noise, but he wouldn't. He does, however, make really good laser noises! I got a recording that I play, and he mimics it identically. He uses the noise to signal excitement about his current situation. We do not have a microwave, so no other beeps. He does do several outdoor bird calls. He whistles, the Andy Griffith song, and a Woody the woodpecker impression. Fun topic!

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Cute sounds from noodle!. Isn't it interesting what sounds they decide to pick up and use, others they just ignore (Thank God)?


I think it is interesting how they use certain sounds to communicate their excitement, disappointment or even something they see they want etc. Laser beams for being excited is a perfect example! Many people do not pick up on the fact that many things are communicated through these various noises and whistles that are built up over time. Many times the assign these sounds and whistles themselves without any guidance from us what so ever. But, if you really pay attention to the times they apply them (not when they are just chattering of course) you will find they mean something.


Dayo will use the loud sound of what is like a hammer tink on steel for example when he does not like your offering of something or ignoring him.... meaning total disapproval by him. It's almost as annoying as those Game Show Raspberry sounds. :P

He uses the police siren sound for indicating he is tired of waiting for you to come back into the room and after making the sound says 911.

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Noodle loves random sounds! He does the "tink" of a soda can, some outside bird noises, the noise of water being poured...there are just so many I can't think of them all. He's hesitant about talking but he has a blast with the noises :)

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marco does alot of "clicky" sounds and kissy sounds and shes got the wolf whistle down pat!!!! already at 5 months old. some times she tries so hard to talk its really cute ... but she'll sit and just stare at me as I talk to her like a little sponge absorbing what I say its amazing her attention.

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That's cool, I wish my Greycie would pull off some R2 sounds. You should record your parrot if you can I'd love to hear it.


I have a Star Wars game and there was a lot of laser fire sounds in that. So for the past 2-3 years she been shootin her laser beams at me.

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They are all doing what they do best! Gearing up for around the age of two to three when they talk like crazy.( remember, they are comparable to children, and talk around the same time!) Everyone sounds like they are on perfect schedule! As Sophie is now 12, talks like a crazy girl, I am sooo excited to listen to you all. She did just what you all describe. I can't even describe the happiness and awesome relationship I have with Sophie. She is soooo amazing!

While Ryan my oldest, is home from college, he always suffers from insomnia. I found him sleeping on the couch with Sophie. I got up at 5:30 to go to work. Sophie told me " SHHHH!" She was sleeping with Ryan. She had her head buried in his neck, with her butt up in the air! I took ten extra minutes to watch them. He was petting her half awake. She was quiet as a mouse. Nancy

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Noodle sounds adorable! Gemma (19 months) is starting to talk more. But the funnies thing is that she imitates a number of our cell phone noises (for ringing, texts, alerts, etc). She'll ring or beep, then answer it with a "Hello." She whistles Andy Griffith but can't figure out how to insert the finger snaps. She'll get the first three notes, the snap, the next three notes, but then doesn't know whether to snap or whistle. She ends up just snapping and then it dissolves into all kinds of silly noises. She can whistle most of it and if I whistle part, she'll often pick up and keep going where I stopped.

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Noodle recently picked up on a bunch of R2D2 noises from Star Wars! He also burps, hiccups, sings the Close Encounters of the Third Kind song, makes the microwave noise, and a bunch of cell phone noises. Anybody else have some fun sound effects?


LOL...that is hilarious. Isaac burps and farts among a whole set of other cartoon sounds. I will have to play R2D2 sounds regularly now, I want him to pick em up. LOL....knowing him...it will not be long. He doesn't say too many words, but he has every noise in the house mastered.

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Dayo will use the loud sound of what is like a hammer tink on steel for example when he does not like your offering of something or ignoring him.... meaning total disapproval by him. It's almost as annoying as those Game Show Raspberry sounds. :P

He uses the police siren sound for indicating he is tired of waiting for you to come back into the room and after making the sound says 911.


Oh you are so correct about them all meaning something. Isaac's way of saying that he disapproves of something or wants it moved away and he is a little scared, is to reel his head back or dip it low in the direction of what it is, and then say "whooooowww'. It's very distinct and i know to move something away or to start looking for what it is. When it's time for a treat he makes this lip smacking sound, "Chip chip chip". Oh they communicate whether they talk much or not. Very smart birds.

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Somehow in the course of life, I missed this thread. I love it. From what I gather about his past, Gilbert lived five to seven years on the Gulf coast in or around Biloxi MS. He has been through a hurricane or two and also lived on an air force base. When storms roll in he has filled us in with hurricane or tornado sirens as well as the low drone of a foghorn. Our other little parrot Java learned the sound of the smoke detector and will warn everyone I am cooking as soon as the oven kicks on she will sound off the smoke detector. Once when she just got to our home, we went on a road trip and started sounding the smoke alarm. We have traveled with young children before and once they get something on their mind you might be hearing it for the next 20 hours of driving. My husband and I said nothing but it was clear this might be a long first trip with our parrot. Then, we passed some cars and just ahead was an old Pontiac Bonneville and it was smoking like crazy. We had not smelled the smoke, but Java obviously had. No sooner than we passed the alarm stopped, she was warning us of smoke. It was awesome. She also does flock calls and when I answer her she plays a game by changing up the whistles. If I don't respond right away she does the game show buzzer. If I miss a note, I get the buzzer. When she is finished playing her game with me she will do a long series of tones and whistles and then laugh because she knows I can't keep up.

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