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planning to teach him step up command


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hi everyone,

im planning to teach momo step up command as now he get more and more comfortable with me.i will not rush this but i would like to get complete info about 'how' the best way to teach step up command.

as he would never come to my hand when he is around his cage so:

1)i need to towel him to bring him to one room right?is this ok?is this gonna change his feeling about me like destroying trust etc?

2)he hates perch,sometimes he fall down and i offer him perch,he never wants to step on it.i must use my bare hand.is any better way to offer my hand without getting bitten too hard?

3)how long and how much frequent this traning is good per day?im scared i will stress him too much.


i read a lot of site which they say we can teach our bird to step up by food.this dsnt work for me since he dsnt really into treat so what the best i can do?

thanks guys.im sorry to ask too much but im really confused.:(

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Forget about the peanuts. You should try almonds and walnuts. In your situation, you would take the almond or walnut out of the shell but first these things must be given to the bird but not as a treat. Not everything needs to be a treat. These types of nuts are healthy and taste good. Most parrots like them. You're doing 2 things here--giving treats and training him with those treats. Gotta do things one at a time. There's plenty of time left to teach step up process. Many birds don't like fruits and it shouldn't be used as treats.

For the bird who enjoys those nuts in the shell, they crack it open and eat the insides out. It takes a while and keeps them occupied. This is a picture of those almonds that were cracked open


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hi dave,yes i will try to offer walnut since almond is rejected.

i try to offer him perch as well and he really hate it.ah ya and one more thing,this training should be around his cage or better if i kidnaped him to go to another room?

we recently adopt new bird for my husband and he hates the new bird.he always jump down of his cage walking to the new bird cage to disturb.he cant climb back to his cage himself,and i hate to towel him for going back.he does not hate the towel but i think its better if i can work step up to help him come back.

thanks alot dave!

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better if i kidnaped him to go to another room?------Yes


Yes--another room--quiet--leave the husband outside and tell him to fix the car. Don't have the cage around. If the bird sees the cage, he'll only think about getting back to it. You have to have his complete attention. Ue a towel on the grey when taking him into another room. make sure there's no interuptions. keep the door closed.

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dave,another silly question hope its fine :)

ok i towel him and kidnaped him to bedroom.i will put him on the corner and try to step him up.i need to use my bare arm because perch will not work.

just said he runaway and scream.should i keep repeating this?

and how long this training will work good?


another scenario.he step up and should i repeat this again or bring him back to his cage as the reward?

thanks thanks thanks dave!!i really depend on your help :)

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You put the bird on the floor and you use index and middle fingers. You have to imitate the size of a perch. A perch isn't as big as an arm.

You'll take your 2 fingers and slide it towards feet. You'll nudge him and the bird will get away. You wait 40 sec and repeat the excersise. The bird will run away. All of this is to be expected. Start the whole thing all over again. The bird will run away. Do the whole daily training for 15 to 20 min. Take bird back to cage

Next day, repeat everything above----the bird will run away.

Next day, repeat everything above----the bird will run away.

Next day, repeat everything above----the bird will run away but not as far away as before.---do it for 15 minutes.

Next day, repeat everything above----the bird may not run away but will be untrusting of you.

Next day, repeat everything above----the bird will be curious and finally will try to step up. When this happens, remain on the floor for 10 to 15 minutes and gently put the bird back on the floor. repeat this again and again each day.

When the bird trusts you and feels brave, you gently walk him back to the cage. Next day, start all over again. And again. And again. And again. Over and over.

You have a tiel and they don't like each other?? Keep the tiel away each training period. The tiel and the grey will startle each other.


All of these periods can vary from bird to bird.

Edited by Dave007
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yes dave he hates the tiel.we adopt it for my husband and im the one who give the tiel attention and food until my husband come back from work.when he see me come near the new bird he will scream,flap his wings and jump down to reach the tiel cage.its far from him but he can walk to the tiel cage.


ah ya i forget one thing,how about the nasty bite?i will try as much as i can to be brave and keep insisting on him to do the training even he will bite me hard.

i know i will get bitten but perhaps there is another trick to avoid this?or at least what the best thing to react to him?

sorry for many question dave,and many many thanks!!(i ask this step up questin but i never get satisfied answer until today,thanks again)

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It sounds like you've been bitten before so that means that you're an official parrot owner. Congratulations!

What you haven't done is the method I just told you about so you'll have to see if there's different results from your bird after he's been put into a more relaxed situation. Don't force yourself on him because the first thing he'll do is bite and that's normal. If necessary, you may even have to start these training lessons by just bringing him into a room with you without doing any actual training. Any training takes quite a long time. Some birds take to training quicker but if you keep it in mind that your bird may take a longer time than you'll be less depressed.

Biting----the best way to avoid getting bitten is not to force yourself on the bird but I really can't tell you about your bird. Each bird is different. Some people say to not react at all. Some people say that a person should let the bird bite them. Some people say to put the bird back in the cage. Some people will say NO!!! when biting occurs. Some people just learn about their bird and also learn about their bird's personality. I really can't tell you that there's a special way to react. You need to be alert. You can't be pushy. You need to take your time. You must keep an eye on the bird when you're training him. If he shows the slightest sign that he wants to stop a lesson, then stop.

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yes i do get alot of scary bite from my dad's Too everyday and most of it bleed.since now,momo never bite me that hard only a bit nip that makes my skin red. :)

thanks alot dave,i've been so much reseach about this step up method and finally i get the answer.

wish me luck!!thanksssss

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I do wish you much luck and Dave has given you some excellent advice, I want to add that since you had Momo first be sure to keep him first in everything, first spoken to in the morning, first fed, first let out of cage and so forth so he knows he is first before the tiel. BTW, have you posted a pic of the tiel yet, I want to see him.

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hi judy,honestly i dont know how to post a pic in this forum.i dont even know how to put momo pic in my profile,hehe :)


In order to post pictures on almost any type of board, a person needs to have an online storage area to copy a picture to. The easiest to use is Photobucket. You would open a free account with them, copy your own photos to Photobucket. The initial process is a bit hard for the newbie but after doing it, it's not difficult at all. Hundreds of peopple here use Photobucket. It can hold 1000s of pictures and even some videos. When copying a pic there, the picture is automatically given 4 links to use in different places. To post pics here you would use the bottom 1-worstjobintheworld.jpg

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hi dave,photobucket is not allowed to be open in my country.i just cant access it.when i want to put a picture,there is 2 option right? from online storage or browse from our own folder.but the size is supposed to be small.is it possible if i compress the file and put it?i hope you understand what i mean,my english is baddd :(

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hi dave,photobucket is not allowed to be open in my country.i just cant access it.when i want to put a picture,there is 2 option right? from online storage or browse from our own folder.but the size is supposed to be small.is it possible if i compress the file and put it?i hope you understand what i mean,my english is baddd :(


Well, I had no idea that Photobucket wasn't in your country. Just tell me, when you went there, were you able to sign up as a member? Did it ask you to give a password?


PS--what country are you in?

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no i cant even enter the photobucket,it just can not load.and your pic not appear at all to me.it just a ? sign and i cant open it.

i lived in iran now,and in 6 months we will come back to my country.i will take momo also back with me, :)

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ah yes yeah it appears now!i dont see it very carefully.mmm okay i will figure another way to open photobucket.its so bad all the owners here show up their lovely companion and i cant.:)


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ah yes yeah it appears now!i dont see it very carefully.mmm okay i will figure another way to open photobucket.its so bad all the owners here show up their lovely companion and i cant.:)



This picture wasn't from photobucket. It came directly from my personal file.

Look above---see the square icon--3rd from the right? put mouse on it and see what it says. That's where you can post from your file to the board

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aha!yes i think i understand now.i wasnt succesed last time because my file was too high KB.it was 209 kb.the profile picture said the file that im attached too big.

am i correct dave?

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aha!yes i think i understand now.i wasnt succesed last time because my file was too high KB.it was 209 kb.the profile picture said the file that im attached too big.

am i correct dave?


Probably, but you should always resize your pictures in your own personal file before you post them anywhere. Any picture should be approx about 50 to 75 kb. That size makes a good sized picture. Right now, your problem is finding an online storage site in your country and I can't possibly help you with that. Online storage sites allow you to resize the picture on their site before you save them. Right now, you'll have to use the image posting icon on this board to post pictures. Sorry, there's nothing else I can think of.

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I think Flickr is allowed in Iran. That is the same concept as Photobucket, a place to store your personal photos. You can also do an internet search on how to share photographs online. If you do the search it will show what is available to you in your country.

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