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grey teaches budgie


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My TAG makes a thumping noise,like the sound of a stick hitting something - and the interesting thing is that he has taught- or the budgie has learned how to make that sound. Abet in a very small, high pitched way. Laughed my a$$ off when I realised what Mickie was doing.

Has anyone else got bird to bird noises or word learning, and what?

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:laugh: how funny.

I have three greys so as soon as one learns a new word or sound, the other two usually follow within a few days, it's like having a permanent echo in the house :)


My little rescue has just learnt to say "good girl " ( she is a female ) but know my two boys are saying "good girl " They have dropped the "good boy " in favour of "good girl" :S<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2007/09/25 23:50

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OH GOSH...I'm so sorry Judy...That got to be something having a Grey screaming like a Sun. Lots of bleeding ear drums in your house, huh. :laugh:


I actually just realized what the new noise my grey is making. When he first started going it about 2 weeks ago I thought he was making the squeaker noise from a dog toy, but then I remembered that all the dog toys no longer have a working squeaker in them...so the other night I started dialing my house phone to call my b/f and sure enough he starts making the new noise, it's the sound the phone makes when you hit the buttons. I thought it was really funny given the fact that he loves to talk on the phone...he will do everything he can to get on my chest/shoulders and put his beak to the phone and start chattering!

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Nikko has learned the "wup wup wup" sound that quails make. We put seed in the backyard in the morning, and get a ton of these guys. One family alone has a good 15 birds in it. Today I was late putting the seed out, and when I went to the patio door, there were several quail looking in the window, and many more standing in the yard patiently waiting for their handout. Unfortunately, Fatback McPidgeon was waiting too. My mom says he's not welcome because he tells too many of his friends about our "restaurant" and start overrunning the place.

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Here's an opposite for you. When we lived in FL our cockatiels were in an aviary on our screened in porch. Our male knew lots of phrases and songs including the "tripoli" song from the navy?!? Anywho, one day we heard MOCKING BIRDS singing the song. Our cockatiel was teaching wild birds to sing a new song. HA!

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