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Help with new Grey Please?

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Hello all, I'm new here, and have just brought home my first Grey. I went to see him at the weekend, and when I saw the conditions he was being kept in I couldn't leave him behind. He was living in a garage. On his own. With just a babies rattle to play with. He was being fed budgie seed, and he has no feathers on his Chest.


I have read everything I can find, and now I'm hoping to get some advise here.


I have bought parrot food. He isn't keen, but is eating bits. He will take small bites of banana and apple, but isn't keen on veg. I know calcium is a problem for Greys, so should I be giving supplements?


Any tips on the feather thing? I haven't seen him pluck at all, and there haven't been any feathers in the cage, so either he has stopped or he is eating them???


Sarah and Alfie.

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Hello all, I'm new here, and have just brought home my first Grey. I went to see him at the weekend, and when I saw the conditions he was being kept in I couldn't leave him behind. He was living in a garage. On his own. With just a babies rattle to play with. He was being fed budgie seed, and he has no feathers on his Chest.


I have read everything I can find, and now I'm hoping to get some advise here.


I have bought parrot food. He isn't keen, but is eating bits. He will take small bites of banana and apple, but isn't keen on veg. I know calcium is a problem for Greys, so should I be giving supplements?


Any tips on the feather thing? I haven't seen him pluck at all, and there haven't been any feathers in the cage, so either he has stopped or he is eating them???


Sarah and Alfie.


How old is he?

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The people said he is two, but I'm not sure they were being honest :(


Budgie seed has absolutely no nutritional value. That was a very bad idea. It's like eating millet. As far as other foods that are good for parrots, that can take a while to get him on a decent diet. Some take to parrot seed quickly, others don't. The same thing applies to veggies and fruits. Fruit isn't necessary as far as nutrition goes. It's a hit and miss situation. Others in your situation usually have to spend some money experimenting with different veggies. They may also have experiment concerning how the bird will accept it---warm--cold--cooked--raw--steamed etc. Don't expect the bird to take to all veggies. Try feeding dark green veggies. Those contain calcium as well as other vitamins. We can give you lists of foods to try. Giving the budgie seed wasn't a good idea because it depleted vitamin balance.

As far as the plucking, that can't be answered yet because there be areas that are bald which will stay like that. It's hard to say until you have the bird for a while. Bathe the bird frequently. Soak the skin so that it becomes less dry and less itchy. There's a product that can be purchased in Walmart or other pharmacies. It's call 100% aloe vera juice. It should be sprayed on the bird frequently. It's inexpensive. For now, keep all tiny seed such as budgie mix, canary mix, finch mix away from him. Stay with the parrot mix. Make sure it's a decent brand. Any decent brand right now will be better than budgie mix.

The plucking can come in different catagories but only time will tell before a name to his particular type can be given.

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Thankyou for your quick reply. How do I bathe him? I am trying to not upset him, and he is not handleable at all. He will allow me to feed him by hand, but not touch him.


For now, use a mister. He'll yell, squawk, growl, screech but that eventually lessens. He doesn't know you and visa versa. These things don't have to done immediately. Let the bird get used to the surroundings, you, others in the house, your habits. Keep him in an area where he can see everything. Talk to him alot. Give some nuts such as almonds, walnuts--if he won't take them directly from you, put it in his dish. The basic things he has to experience right now is your kindness to him. It takes a while. Make sure he has a couple of toys around. If he's been the type to come in and out of his cage, continue that. If he's a biter that will lessen when you eventually learn about him---example---some birds get angry when a person puts their hand in a cage to feed but that same bird won't mind at all if he's outside looking in. Basically, that's learning about him and visa versa. Right now him seeing your kindness should be high up on your to do list.

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  • 1 month later...

I have been having computer troubles, but all resolved now, so I thought I would update the Alfie situation. He has been with me for a month now, and seemed to have settled well. His tail feathers are growing, and he has a few feathers growing on his chest. He is eating well, a mixture of raw and steamed veg, fruit and parrot mix, which is a big step for him. Everyone here has fallen in love with him, he is such a sweet little man. He arrived only saying 'hello' but now says 'want one' if he sees food he likes the look of, and 'popcorn'. I was wondering if I should be worried that he is clumsy ? Twice now he has fallen off his cage, and he wobbles a lot. Vet has checked him over, and he is not fluffed up or behaving ill. So pleased to be back. It's lovely to hear about everyone's birds.

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I also recently rescued a parrot from a friend who is a pet shop manager and told me she has an African Grey being kept in a warehouse with other animals that are not in selling condition. Never having a parrot before I was nervous but I figure he's better off with toys and people giving attention than in a warehouse. He says Pretty Bird and Meows occasionally. He settled in well and allows my hand in his cage. He does bite when I attempt step up or come within an inch to him. He likes to come out and play and whistles with me, but still does not allow me to work on the step up. What am I missing? Any help will be appreciated.

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Sarah it sounds like he may have a calcium deficiency or his clumsiness may be due to a lack of flight ability if he was wing clipped early. Did your Vet do any blood work during his exam? A lack of sufficient calcium would show up if tested for.

Calcium is a key element for all parrots. Calcium-rich foods include leafy greens, carrots, unhulled sesame seeds, broccoli, dandelion and other greens, yogurt and almonds. To absorb calcium, vitamin D3 is needed, which can be acquired through sunlight naturally, or in pellets as a supplement. Let your parrot enjoy some safe time outdoors or provide access to a full spectrum light. Light filtered through window panes is not full spectrum.

Foods which help produce vitamin A are also essential for parrots. Deep orange vegetables and fruits are rich in beta carotene (yams, pumpkin, carrots, winter squashes, mango, papaya, apricots and cantaloupe) as well as palm oil, leafy greens and broccoli. Make vitamin A and calcium-rich foods a regular staple in your bird’s daily diet.

Most parrots enjoy grains. These can be cooked, sprouted or simply soaked. There is a wide variety to choose from such as quinoa, groats, spelt, kamut, rice, amaranth, buckwheat and barley. Combine grains along with recommended legumes such as lentil, garbanzo, adzuki or mung for complete protein. Other sources of protein include cooked salmon or trout, tuna, chicken, chicken bones, quinoa and occasional egg dishes. Most parrots relish these foods and will savor every morsel.

Healthy seeds contribute to the health of your parrot. These include: sprouts, soaked or sprouted grains, legumes, nuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, and sesame seeds.

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Danmcq, hello, yes, the vet did bloods, and all ok. He Is a feather chewer, so maybe that's causing him to wobble? He has slowed up with the chewing since he has been settled, and new feathers are growing on his chest :). He also now has pretty white ' bloomers'. His tail was very short when I got him, although I haven't seen him chew that. Maybe the previous owners clipped it?. He is now eating - broccoli, curly kale, carrots( grated), red and green pepper and sweet potato. As until I had him he had only had budgie seed, I think he is doing quite well. I have discovered that he wants things if I am eating them, so both our diets are improving. If he is self clipping and making himself unsteady I'm not sure what to do. I have put towels on the bottom of his cage so he doesn't land too badly. Thanks for your help. I really want to do my best for him. X

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Please be kind and patient. It can take a long time to develop trust and sometimes you take a step forward and then you go back a little. Have faith that it will happen, because a good relationship will come. Greywings had great advice. If I can add that sunshine is really important. Take your bird outside most days for fifteen minutes. Cooked chicken drumstick BONES are a great source of calcium. Chicken bones have to be my guy's most favorite food. They freak out if I pull them out of the freezer to thaw. I feed them one drumstick bone once a week. Good luck to you. Your bird is in good hands and he is a lucky bird to have you.

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Thankyou Chezron. I have been giving him chicken bones, and you are right, he loves them. I also just got some red palm oil that I have been giving him on toast for breakfast. He loves that too :). This all just feels like a minefield, I just feel like if I do something wrong it could really harm him. I bought a travel cage, because I would love for him to be able to go visiting with me, but he won't go in it. I had to grab him in a towel to put him in it to go to the vet. Will that have damaged our relationship? I also bought a steam cleaner so that I could clean his cage really well ( he came with his cage and it was disgusting:() but again, I have to towel him to put him in the travel cage to do that. Can't steam a cage with him in it!! Sorry for so many questions..... Sarah & Alfie x

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