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Grey-Sitting for a Friend

I Tri Hard

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Ok, so thank you in advance..

I have a 10-yr old Grey female named Clarice. My friend has a 6 month old Grey male (we thinks it's a male). She asked if I could watch him for a weekend. My cage is large and I was considering letting them cohabitate for the weekend. Is this bad? Will they fight? I dont want to find out bad news when it's too late. Thanks.. :)

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Very bad idea! And a very dangerous one. Bird Sitting is fine, but they must have seperated cages. Their cage is like their own palace, and birds don't usually like to share it unless they were brought up together in te same cage, and then only a few get along with no problems.

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Please do not put the two greys together as there is a very good chance they will fight, greys tend to view their own cage as their safe haven and wouldn't like the intrusion of another grey or any other bird for that matter. If she has a large travel cage or a smaller regular cage she could bring for her bird then it would be fine for you to help her out by keeping her grey for the weekend.

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If I take them both out for play would they be more apt to get along (outside of cages)?


Yes, then they control how close they get and interact with one another. They may or may not like each other, you just never know. Let them meet and start interacting from a distance and you will be able to tell if they wish more close interaction when they start getting closer and checking each other out.

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