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New owner, needs advice!!

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My husband recently inherited his fathers approx 24 year old african grey. He passed away, so we are now the happy parents of "Buddy". Just looking for some advice, ive done lots of reading online about this type of bird. What can we do to help him feel more welcome? He is talking a little and eating and drinking, so I think he feels a little comfortable at least. He will "step up" to my hubby, but not me or our kids. Well we havent actually tried yet, to avoid scaring him. He seems to wait and talk after we leave the room. The home he was in, he was kept in a room alone for the last year. He whistles, squacks, and swears! Hes not a huge talker, at least that we know of yet. We had to put him in a new cage right away, for cleanliness factors. He doesnt really like being inside though, he was only hanging from the sides, last night he finally got down on the perch though. We let him stay out during the day on top, and put him in to bed at night. I have him in our bedroom now, since thats what hes used to. But I want to bring him into our living room to be around us, I just dont want to do anything to shock him more. Any advice would be greatly appreciated for these first time grey parents!! Thanks everyone!!

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Hello Rachel and welcome to our family, so glad you could give Buddy a new forever home.

I would bring his cage out into the living room as he will want to be close to his family members, greys are flock animals so want to be around their human companions, they like feeling like a part of the family and observe what is going on around them. He needs time to settle into his new home, new cage, that is why he was fearful of the new cage as greys are cautious creatures by nature so take to anything new or different very slowly.

Just spend a lot of time with him, talking to him while he is inside the cage, offering treats from time to time to show him you mean him no harm but it will take time and lots of patience because he is a very mature grey who is set in his ways. Even though he will step up for your hubby you should work on getting him to step up for you, even though he may prefer your hubby he can learn to at least accept you as a member of the family, he may not interact with you the same as he will with your hubby but it will help if you can handle him as well.

Please do read thru the threads here for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

Would love to see some pictures of Buddy if you have some you would share with us.

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Judy gives greyt advice. His cage should no out in the room with the family right from the start, it will an easier transition for him. Bless you for giving him his new forever home. I bet you will see a big change in his personality over time as he becomes a member of your family. Give it time tho and be patient. De

Ending on the ages of your children. I would allow them to have him step up as well as you in the presence of your husband.. That way he won't develop a fear of you and your kids, he will know that you are safe and a part of the family. Keep usosted!

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Thank you for the advice. Do you think the new cage and being in the living room will be too much "change"? Since hes used to being alone lately, and not used to us as his "parents"? I am just so worried to shock him. But my plan is definetely for him to be in the living room. His cage has a top for him with dishes, ladder and perch. He seems to really like that. He whistles at us like hes calling a dog, often. We make a point to go ask him what he wants, or just say hi. We have all been able to hand feed him, even my 8 yr old son. He also meows at our dog! lol And he says shut up if we say shhh or stop it to our kids or dog!! So he is already showing his personality off. I hope he likes us, and will continue to thrive!

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Hi Rachel, oh yes please do bring Buddy out to where the family is. I believe that all animals greys/parrots/dogs, etc. are very attuned to their surroundings especially people. Everyone should relax and be calm and Buddy will relate likewise. Greys are very smart so talk to Buddy and tell him what you are doing and what is going on. Believe it our not he will understand or at least quickly get the picture. Kudoes to your husband and family for taking in sweet Buddy. I believe you will be delighted with Buddy once you all get to know each other. Welcome to the Grey family!

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You're doing so many things correctly. Your limited knowledge of this grey is fantastic. Your ideas about what you feel is the right thing to do is great. You've been blessed with a bird that in my eyes will make a great transition to your home. Getting a new cage was great. That'll make his transition easier if he accepts the cage. Consider this situation as pure luck. Many people aren't so fortunate with adult birds who are being rehomed.

Yes, get him with family. Not to worry about being out of the cage. That's good. Putting him back in---if you're having trouble there, work on it. If he goes in and out by himself, great. If he doesn't like your hand in the cage when changing food and water bowls, go along with that.

Believe me, you lucked out. The only shock in your house will be your shock as he's fitting in more and more. Good luck

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Thank you everyone for the advice! I am happy to say I went ahead and moved Buddy into our living room today, and I think he really likes it!! He wasnt talking much, but was very observant and nosy as to what we were doing. He watched us alot, and seemed to like it. My youngest son was playing and buddy did start to laugh!! When my hubby got home, he said very clearly, "Hello Buddy". He seems to be be very comfortable with him, but warming up to us. I was worried about bringing him in, just for my own lack of knowledge, but you guys are very helpful!!! Thanks for making me feel welcome. Im going to try to post a pic today also!!!

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It sounds like you are off to a good start with Buddy.

You have been given some good advice and if you have any questions just ask.

As he starts to settle in he will work his way into your heart.

He is just anouther child in your home.

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Hey everyone, This morning when I woke up Buddy was playing with one of his wing feathers. He was scratching his head with it, and chewing on it. I am worried, does this mean hes "plucking"?? Ive been watching him and hes been scratching on his back alot today. My hubby says he always used to do that, and he said just to keep an eye on him. Buddy was so happy when my hubby came home from work yesterday, right when he walked in Buddy said "hello Buddy"! He tends to be more quiet when my hubby isnt here, he is definetely his favorite. But then again he was around him for many years. I just keep talking to him, I think hes at least getting used to me. Although he will not let me change his dishes, whenever i try to remove them to fill, he quickly grabs them from me. But I will keep trying! Hes quite a character already!!

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kallie will do the same thing with a wing feather or tail feather when one comes out. even athena will chew on a feather she's lost. keep on eye on how many feathers are coming out. it might just be a normal feather loss, so try not to stress out about it in front of buddy. kallie is also more quiet when it's just me. my husband is the center of her universe, even though she was raised from a baby by an older woman for the first 2 1/2 years of her life and there was no man in the house!! (we rehomed kallie when her first owner passed away and the family couldn't keep her birds due to their own health issues) you've gotten fabulous advise, take it slow, be yourselves, and you'll see buddy blossom with all the love he's receiving! no you may never be the "favorite", but you will still be able to have a wonderful relationship with buddy. both our girls have unique things they say or do for each of us individually which is truly amazing and great fun at the same time!!


p.s.-as i'm typing this kallie is having a great time with a feather. she's preening it and waving it around like a maestro's baton, lol!!!

Edited by thenabrd
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