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simple tricks?


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I know that greys generally aren't known for their tricks, but I've been working on some easy tricks with Archimedes... and he loves to do them (well, at least he loves his mango reward) so far he knows step up wave (his foot, only his left so far) and shake (both his left and his right foot) My goal is to eventually have him differentiate colors and shapes (similar to Alex) but right now I'm just trying to make him learn basic tricks, just to give that grey matter (no pun intended) a bit of a work out. Archimedes is really smart and with 2 training session has figured out wave and shake (step up he's known for a bit)


I would love any input on what other simple tricks to teach him, since I do want him to work for his mango. Also, he hasn't been target stick trained yet... however thats something that i'll have to incorporate eventually... id like to do it without target stick if possible.


Oh also when I say mango, I have 2 or 3 cubes in a bowl that he gets to take a bite off when he does the command as asked... which only means I have 1 hand available bc the other holds the mango

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some simple tricks my Grey does are going through a tunnel (I started by using an oatmeal container with the ends chopped off) and now use a giant birdie bagel tunnel thing. Another simple trick is the spin or turn around. Teaching him to put things in a cup also sets the basis for harder tricks like basketball and grocery shopping.


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  • 3 weeks later...

omg those tricks are awesome! I've started working with Archimedes to turn him around, he's starting to get it, I'm sure in 1 or 2 more training sessions he'll fully get it!


Nancy, target stick training is where you just use a stick to focus their attention on. So when they touch the stick they get a reward, eventually the stick is moved further away or in a direction in order for a parrot (or any other animal) to perform a task. Target training is used to train almost any animals, and if you watch any videos on zoo animals being trained, they are usually following a stick of some sort.

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  • 7 months later...

I used the same method to train my CAG turn around and wave, and I was stunned at how long it took for him to get the idea. I took a few minutes every time and he did the whole sequence in just one day. I unfortunately did not carry on training, as this was enough at the time, and the other day I tested it again, and he actually did the "turn and wave" on cue. Amazing that he remembered it after about a year of not doing it. Just shows you they remember things.

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