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RIP Kirby

Life is Greyt

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Some of you may remember me asking for help a few months ago for my Greyhound, Kirby. We did everything we could, but we had to put her down on Friday. :'(. We ran out of options and her back legs just couldn't hold her anymore. I asked her to make it to her 14th birthday, April 15th, and she did, but she didn't have it in her to go much longer. :(. My vet came to the house to euthanize her and in the midst of my boyfriend's and my grief, Chickie sensed what was going on and flew to us. It was so sweet of her. When my boyfriend tried to put her back on her tree, she refused to step down. She wanted to stay on him. She is such a sweet little thing. Also, she never makes a sound when people are over, but the whole time she was making quiet little sad sounding peeps. I was shocked at how well she understood what was going on. She's been doing her best to cheer mom and dad up, but Kirby is greatly missed. We lost 2 dogs within 8 months of each other, so our house feels so empty sometimes.

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My thoughts and prayers are with you. I've never owned a greyhound, but I have a good friend who has had several and they are really special. I'm sure Kirby was a joy. I have a 13 year old Lab that I'm afraid will be crossing that Rainbow Bridge soon. It's hard to let go, but the love they give outweighs the pain of loss. Bless you and know we are all here for you.

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Thank you for sharing the news about Kirby. Greyhounds are particularly sweet, loving, regal dogs. I hope it gives you a measure of joy to know she was cherished and loved and she knew that. The closer you draw to an emotional bond with your pets is a blessing while they are here with us but a lot harder to let go. You had the grace and courage to love her deeply and let her go. I am so sorry you lost both Duke and Kirby so close together. As you grieve, slowly the memories of joy will be greater than the pain of the loss you are feeling now. I am grateful that Chickie is with you and being such a comfort to you.

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