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Adopted bird and tell me a story

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Hey all,

I am the proud parent of a 3 year old Congo that I adopted about 9 months ago. He came from a good and loving home that was undergoing some change. He is a great guy! He talks up a storm and has learned many new phrases since being in my house. He is strong willed and tries to boss me at times, but I'm really having fun learning about him.


I am also writing a book based on an african grey. He is the witness to a crime. I have stories of my own from Isaac, and from my sister and parents' birds, but would like to hear from you guys. What is one of your astonishing things that your bird said or did that showed how really intelligent he/she was? Would you be okay if I used it in my book?


Thanks so much!

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Guest candismalli

When I was a teenager my foster mom had an african grey and a macaw. That is what started my love of greys. I know a couple of stories from her birds. One time she was having a recertification for her foster care license and the macaw Bubba burped, the grey Herbie laughed. Then the Herbie burped and Bubba laughed. They went back and forth several times until a very embarrassed Mrs. B. finally broke down and told the person that her boys have burping contests at the dinner table, lol.


One time she went away and her teen boys had a party. When she got home the 2 birds ratted them out- they let her know some of the names of the people that were there, and even sirens & "music too loud"!!! lol


Another is while I lived there- the smoke alarm went off due to the fireplace, then her son who lived in the downstairs apartment ran up the stairs and forgot to turn off the brand new burglar alarm first. Now 2 alarms were going off in the middle of the night. We got the alarms off but for weeks the birds tortured her by one making the smoke alarm noise then the other chiming in with the burglar alarm and she would always yell that's enough you two while laughing, lol.


Also while I lived there I would have a snack when I came in at night. I was 16-18 when I lived there so I came home many nights after she went to bed. The birds (especially the Macaw) realized quickly if they yelled to me when I grabbed my snack I would quickly run & share my snack with them so they didn't wake my foster mom, lol.

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I think one of the engaging stories I heard was about a great aunt that I never had the chance to meet. Her husband Ralph worked the afternoon shift and would be annoyed if she didn't wait up for him but sometimes she fell asleep on the sofa. When their parrot heard the car in the driveway he would say "Wake up Jenny, Ralph's home." I thought it was pretty clever on his part, but even more clever for Jenny to teach him that. Good luck with your book.

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