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My CAG, A Biter


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Dear All:


Last week I bought an adult CAG(approx. 1-2yrs. old). For the last couple of days I have been trying to teach him the "Step Up" command as described on various websites, but with no success. Whenever I take my hand near his feet he tries to bite. Today, he bit me twice, real hard, on my fingers. I can still feel the pain:(. I also did try the towel but whenever he sees a towel or any other cloth he gets scared and tries to fly, fortunately his wings are clipped.


I would appreciate if anybody can help me out with this.



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This is a tough one. The bites hurt more then the physical pains don’t they? I hate to say it you are going to have to “rock up”. If the bird is getting to you and stopping his step up training then he’s doing a good job training you. Your reaction is reinforcing his behavior.


Start by taking a break for a while. Hang around his cage, or bring his cage to where you hang out. Let him see you. He needs to feel more secure around you first. That will help him build trust. Don’t worry about the step up command for a while. Talk to him, feed him treats, walk around his cage, and let him get use to you.


The thing to remember about African Greys is that they are VERY perceptive. When a parrot bites it hurts and that pain leads naturally leads to apprehension on your part. He can sense your apprehension. Sometimes it’s scary just how empathic parrots can be. If you thought dogs sensed fear, it’s nothing like parrots. They seem to know your mood. Therefore, you have to be relaxed before you begin training again.


After a few weeks of “togetherness”, you can start again. You’ll know when the time is right.

It has to do with you as much as it has to do with him. As I said, you have to be relaxed. If you can’t take any bites then use a dowel to start. However, if you can “rock up” a go at it with determination and resolve you will be surprised just how fast the biting stops.


Good Luck!


Post edited by: Qweevox, at: 2007/01/30 00:22<br><br>Post edited by: Qweevox, at: 2007/01/30 18:39

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This is great, my Squeaky just started a new biting habit. He had rarely, if ever, bit anyone before I bought him, but now he thinks my hand is a rawhide bone, nd attacks it every time I try to pet him! Fortunatelly, he's not hurting me too bad, and I'm a wimp! I've had him for a week and two days now, and Qweevox's advice has been very informative for me too, so thanks!!

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Patients is all I can say. Same problem here when I first bought my CAG. Everytime I got near him to teach him the step up he would bite, I thought at first that I'd never get him to step up or even be able to hold him. But I did exactly like the other poster told you, after a few weeks of hanging around his cage, letting him get used to me and learning to trust me, he finally happened to just one day step up on my hand, actually what happened was he jumped off his cage, landed in the floor and then I reached my hand down and say step up and he did, and it went from there, he started stepping up and then walked up my arm and sit on my shoulder. I am still having a problem with his biting though, but I am sure that one day we will over come that as well, it is just going to take time and patients.


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