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My 6 month grey isn't eating his pellets


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I was wondering what I should do if my 6 month grey isn't eating his zupreeme pellets. I introduced it to him at least for a week now and I mix it with parrot seeds and seems to still only eat the seeds and fruits mixed in it. What should I do?

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(Maggie writing for Jay) Hi! LOL...if I may, it could take years. And during that time, you might have to try ten types of pellets. We've had good luck with ZuPreem Nut Blend and Natural Blend. You can try Harrison's, Pretty Bird, any of the ZuPreems etc. Remember to keep his regular old food when you are trying to get them to eat a new food. It took 2 of our Greys (Joey a rescue and Spock our baby) 2 years to even eat a few pellets. The secret is you can hold a stare longer than a Grey can...patience my friend...Thanks Jayd and Maggie

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Thank you! I will give it time. I have just been really stressing over my greyʻs diet that is all. But I am using the natural and fruit zupreem pellets!

That's Greyt, Gery's need very little fruit, it makes their poop runny, which isn't good. you might try one of the other ZuPreem pellets instead. Your doing a really good job Thanks...Jay [Maggie]

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I was wondering what I should do if my 6 month grey isn't eating his zupreeme pellets. I introduced it to him at least for a week now and I mix it with parrot seeds and seems to still only eat the seeds and fruits mixed in it. What should I do?


If your companion wants what your eating you can try using the flock mentality to your advantage. Find a cereal for your breakfast that resembles the size,shape and color of the pellets. Transfer some of the pellets out of the bag that he/she knows and into a clean dry container to use at breakfast time (do this on the sly because they don't miss a trick). In the morning put some of the cereal in a bowl for you and the pellets from the container into a treat bowl for your companion and sit down to enjoy breakfast together (don't get them mixed up or your eating parrot pellets in milk for breakfast). Once breakfast is over remove the treat bowl just like you would for any other meal.


My family and I spent weeks eating fruit loops for breakfast because it looked like the pellets but the "I'm never gonna eat these pellets" zon did finally decide that he liked them because he saw us eating them. Once he decided the pellets were good I started lessening the cheep parakeet seed mix he came with and increased the pellets until he was eating a combination of pellets and cooked/fresh foods. **I did have to alter when I cleaned/filled the regular food bowls to after breakfast time. I changed my routine from changing food/water when the kids were eating breakfast to changing water before breakfast, then family breakfast, then changing food bowls.


It worked for us.

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Thank you! I will give it time. I have just been really stressing over my greyʻs diet that is all. But I am using the natural and fruit zupreem pellets!


Do not stress over the pellets being eaten or not. It is not crucial nor necessary that they do, as many bird food manufactures and vets push them as necessary. If over time as jay and maggie indicated they eat a few after you try various brands, great! If they never eat pellets so what? The important thing to maintain is a well rounded diet of seed mix, nuts, a little fruit, a lot of veggies, beans, grains, a chicken bone sometimes, a little meat sometimes etc. This is the diet they eat in the wild. Remember pellets do not exist in the wild, they are man made and evangelized by the companies as a "Must Feed" to line their and reseller pockets.


Keep your baby intrigued and happy by giving him the experience of discovering new tastes and textures each day. It will greatly enrich his life and make him happy and healthy. :)

Edited by danmcq
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My parrots always have fresh pellets out, but they eat very little of them. As others have said a balanced diet of "real" food is so much more important. Get an avian scale and weigh your grey and if he mains a healthy average weight, its good. I believe in the Health Room, Dave007 has the average weights of Tags and Cags at varies body sizes.

Edited by luvparrots
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A lot of vets recommend Harrison's pellets but any good pellet brand is preferable if eaten so try another brand or type until you find one that he will readily eat, Josey will eat more of them one day and less another but they are not as important if they are getting a balanced diet otherwise.

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