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3 1/2 years with Cricket

Ray P

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After living with Cricket for over 3 years the one thing that she does very well is come up with a surprise. She has been a very quiet zon as compared to Corky my CAG.

Corky has been with us a long time so she is always out of her cage first and back last, but In the last month or two when Cricket can see corky out first she now gets very vocal untill she comes out and than she is her quiet self.

Its like don`t forget me I want out too.

She has become so much a part of the family, but she will show her self if a stranger comes near.

However if she is on my shoulder and a stranger comes around she will show off and talk up a storm.

Cricket is my very special little girl and she always shows me how strong our bond is with her actions and her sweet disposition.

And to think when we first got her, I had a fear of amazons.

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