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New to Training A Grey Advice Will be great!


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Howdy guys, I've got a new TAG, still a baby not even a year yet..and I've started training her...she's clicker/touch trained...


The thing is, when she's a bit distracted she totally ignores the stick, and that lasts a while...is that normal?


I've also started teaching her to turn around and she does it pretty well, on cue...but once she does it once, she keeps doing it whether I give her the cue or not...


I've heard that she's trying to 'train' me or something so I don't treat her for it, and only treat her when I give the cue.


But how do I know that she's turning because of the cue or because she well she keeps turning?


There's odd times when she does stop and I give her the cue and the treat for doing it correctly but after that the process starts again...do I wait until she totally stops to start back the training?

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Because we're both new at training and she is young...I didn't want to start her up with something too hard and make her hate training....If I ever decide to get another bird that trick would definitely be out of the question since I'll have a bit more experience!


Also....if I don't have pellets, what would a training diet consist of?

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I have never used a clicker but I do know you need to keep the training sessions short or she will get bored with it, you want to keep the training fun. As far as what to use for training treats use whatever she likes the most as it will entice her to do the trick to get the treat.

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I don't want to sound like a noob...lol but I am xD


How do I keep it fun?


The treats I got covered...I give her a variety of nuts that she licks down really quickly...but other than that the food she eats doesn't contain any pellets, it's basically veggies/fruits and any safe food I cook....

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

You do not want to give her a treat when she continues to turn around without you giving the cue if you want her to do it only on command. Therefore, you should wait for her to stop turning around on her own, wait another 10 seconds (no less) to make sure she doesn't start turning on her own again and so that she doesn't associate her turning around on her own with a treat and then give her the cue again.


As for keeping it fun, just be excited, happy and show it with lots of enthusiasm and praise when she performs a desired action. Don't be bland and monotone lol

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You do not want to give her a treat when she continues to turn around without you giving the cue if you want her to do it only on command. Therefore, you should wait for her to stop turning around on her own, wait another 10 seconds (no less) to make sure she doesn't start turning on her own again and so that she doesn't associate her turning around on her own with a treat and then give her the cue again.


As for keeping it fun, just be excited, happy and show it with lots of enthusiasm and praise when she performs a desired action. Don't be bland and monotone lol

Well I think I got the exciting/fun part down! And I tried it this morning, and I do believe it started to work...she's gone from an endless loop to about 2 turns on her own....so hopefully she'd have that mastered in the next couple of days!


Another question....flying...


How do I go about training her to fly to me on command...My folks want to have her wings clipped, but I'm trying to postpone it as much as possible...I really don't want her to be clipped.


She already walks to me when I call her, I do have to call her a few times though...I'd assume that's a start? I haven't actually made that a training session yet as she's still working on the above 'trick' but I do give her treats/praise when she does do it.

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I'm sort of on the fence when it comes to trick training greys. I wholeheartedly endorse any interaction that is a fun bonding experience. I've seen some very entertaining videos on youtube of parrots that seem to enjoy doing tricks. What strikes me is that these videos rarely feature greys (except the ones where they show off their verbal skills like Einstein). I wonder if greys just don't really get into performing tricks. I think if I tried to train Gracie to do a trick, she would just look at me like "Give me a break..what is the purpose of this?" I tend to spend my time with Gracie trying to communicate with her and interact with her in more meaningful ways. More like I would do if I had a young child. Again, I'm not against trick training per se, I'm just not sure Gracie would enjoy it much. I'm curious about the experience of some of the other grey parronts here. Do your greys enjoy doing tricks?

Edited by JeffNOK
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well....I'm really new to this, so I can't say for sure if she enjoys it, but I do know she gets enthusiastic when she sees the clicker and the treats bag, so I guess she's all hyped up about it.


She's not on any training diet really, she always have some sort of edible stuff in her cage and playtop so it's not that she's hungry...so I'd say it's definitely enthusiasm...

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Not too familiar with clicker training. BUT... it sounds promising! Not sure about the " turning around". Whats the point? As they have the intelligence of a five year old, and you are trying to teach me to " turn around", not sure where that is going! Nancy


Turnaround is good if for example you want to get her out of the cage but she's facing the wrong direction and you can't quite get your hand up there...can just say turnaround and bam! :D

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