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my husband wants a parrot too!!


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Penny... just DO IT! LOL

Momo... Welcome to next baby! I am excited for your hubby and you. Back to stepup for your grey. VERY important to start practicing. In my experience, is the number one lesson to be learned. NEVER towel your grey. You will just scare them. Open the cage, when bird finds himself on door, start offering two fingers to stepup. ( always be taller than the door.) Go away from the cage, give your bird a tour of your home. If they get nervous, acknowledge this, retun to cage. Praise them, let them know how happy they made you. As trust is developed, get hubby involved with changing the food, helping to clean cage. Once baby learns stepup with you, needs to learn with the rest of the family. It is possible! I did it with a two year old rehomed, starting her terrible twos. Sophie learned to stepup with entire family, because, THATS what I expected from her. She now steps up to all of us. We don't have to ask her to stepup, she's always got one foot up and ready, no matter who is there. Nancy

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Phew! The lady said she already gave him a new home.......I keep telling myself, NO MORE BIRDS until our parakeets are over the Rainbow Bridge...:(


I AMA bit worried about Nilah and a tiel. She can be a bites desire over me, and a bully when Rikki allows it. I am afraid she would chase it away all the time....

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mmmm penny,come on.you just have 4 birds,not yet a dozen.seems u really interest in cockatiel,they very small.will not make you difficult.hehe kidding.:)


hi nancy,yeah im planning to teach him step up as soon is possible.but they said he msnt see his cage around.should i kidnap him with towel and move him to bathroom?

he wont even put 1 foot on my finger when he is around his cage!thats why its a kinda stuck here :(

i guess my husband really broken heart with momo,he dsnt even said bye bye to him this morning.what a rude :)

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