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my husband wants a parrot too!!


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sorry i post too soon again.

my husband wants a parrot for himself too!!he just said is last night,since momo always ignore him and scream everytime he get near,he get really sad.he never wants any pet but now he seems really serious to get one.what u think is best?can the bird live with each other easily?and how about grey jealousy and temper?because i need to feed/give attention to the new parrot until my husband come home.


my husband option is:

-indian ringneck



-hanhs macaw

-sun conure


please give me advice,any comment are welcome!!

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I think the best thing is to go to a parrot sanctuary and then your husband may find a more mature parrot that likes him from the start. If you get a baby, because you are the main care giver it might bond to you more.

As for how well your Grey gets on with another only a trial will tell but many of our members here have parrots that mostly at least tolerate each other. Budgies are very easygoing birds in my experience and I know of Greys and Budgies that get on very well. Is there any reason you have not included another Grey on your list?


Steve n Misty

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honestly,i really want a timneh.i said to him we could look for a timneh in rescue that have connection with him.but he keeps looking for other breed.i guess he just get a broken heart with african grey,thats why he dsnt ask for a timneh.:)

i tried to make momo at least dsnt scream when my husband come near him,but day by day i realize they cant tolerate each other too much.now,momo even add an attack posture to him and try to bite as soon as he see my husband is around.my husband get so sad,he even said is better he get far from him :( well,i cant do anything about it.he will take treat from him but thats it,sometimes he take and throw the treat.

nowdays is something new,momo always scream and flapping his wings everytime he see me watching tv near my husband.

and i will not purchase a baby,i will adopt from rescue.i just want to know which breed is better with african grey.


and how about african grey itself?do they get along and share their human easily?


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There is no guarantee that any parrot will like a certain person. It does not matter who feeds the parrot, cleans the cage, interacts, etc. They choose who they want. I have a Tag who is very aggressive with my other two parrots and she is the smallest. She has chosen certain members of the family and certain neighborhood children that she will go to willingly. I don't let anyone touch my parrots, my parrots choose who they will go to and interact with. My parrots are all flighted so they can come and go as they want. I favorites are zons and greys. Let your husband go out and find the parrot for him. That is the best way for him/you to choose the next right parrot to join the family. My parrots only tolerate each other, if they get into a spat, one will fly off before anyone gets to onery. A lot of people interact with their parrots before they leave for work perhaps your hubby can bond with the parrots in the AM before work and then in the evenings. I always tell my gang when I am leaving and they are usually sitting on the front window perches/boings when I come home. Choose the addition to the family with your hearts and you will have a better chance of success.

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whoa... did I write this? I'm going through something similar with my mother, Archimedes hates her... not dislike... really hates her... he'll do anything to try to bite her if she looks at him the wrong way... and he's given her some good nips... she really wants a caique... and we've seen some adorable ones... and they all like her but my father doesn't want another cage... (and it'd be perfect bc mothers day is coming and her birthday is coming)

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I will put my two cents worth in and say he should consider getting a cockatiel, I have one that will go to both me and my hubby, of course I am her favorite but I think she could get used to most anyone with a little time spent with her. I never used to think I would want a tiel until one just dropped into my yard 2 years ago and now I see that she is a delight to have, very quiet type bird compared to my sun conure who screams from time to time. A conure would be another good bird if you don't mind a little screaming now and then.

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thanks everyone give me all good advice

mmmm we also think about amazon as well but considering the price is too expensive here,:(

maybe... a tiel/small ringneck will more perfect for him.

and about one more problem.we place momo cage in living room so he always can see and involved to every our activity.is it okay if i put the new bird cage in the same room with him?the can see each other but not exactly can interact too close.the distance is around 8 metre with each other.

we planning to get a new bird for him this week.

i hope the new bird can bond with him more :)


i still wait for new advice and comment.thxxxx

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I never realized that birds get jealous and they do when I brought Fergie Home our tiel, Marcellus Wallis was very Jealous, Fergie she could care less, But I agree with the others let you husband find himself a bird, you never know maybe maybe he will come home with a grey.

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We ended up in the bird world, rather quickly. First, a rescued sunconure, then a baby Amazon, next, a rehomed grey, age two. All within a year. Sunny, conure, is partial to Ryan. Kiki, Amazon, favored by Sean. Sophie, grey, favored by mom. Twelve years later, they stepup to all of us. It is important for all birds to know, we are a family.( also add two dogs to that family!) Sophie my grey, is best friends with Zoey, the baby of the family. ( a dog!)

Momo... when your bird is flapping wings, acting posessive when you are interacting with hubby, open the cage! Hang out with hubby, encourage baby to come hangout with you! Play a game... practice stepup between the two of you. You are a package deal, and bird needs to learn this concept. I don't think getting a new bird is the answer right now. Definitely for the wrong reasons. Greys. WILL prefer one person... if you let them! I decided Sophie was NOT going to do this, worked out a plan with kids. She loves each of us, for different reasons. Nancy

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Judy's two-cents is worth it, a "Tiel would be a good choice, their easy to take care of, loving, friendly and adaptable. Remember, a male "Tiel" sings and is some what active, the orange is sometimes brighter, a female usually has only a whistle or two and sometimes white dot's under her tail.......Thanks Jay

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hello,thanks everybody!

from what we discussed if we want to adopt a bird,he will take a tiel.he fall in love with a male white face tiel in the rescue.the bird will step up for both of us but seems he likes the bird.

mmmm he will add my cleaning routine in my house,hehe.


nancy:the problem is he dsnt know step up yet.thats why we cant take him around us and play together with my husband.i will try my best at least maybe momo can be more nicer to him?

i read all article in this forum and it say they must be away from cage and people that might disturb the step up training.i cant take him with my hand,only hing i can do is take him

with towel which he hates it.should i train him like that??

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I don't think you will go wrong in going with a tiel, mine is an absolute delight to have, good company and she wants to be near me most of the time, maybe all tiels aren't this way but Gypsy never bites, she pecks sometimes but never bites, I never thought I would like a tiel until I had one drop in on me as I would never have bought one but they are a lot of bird in a small package.

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  TWIX said:
Now i am tempted to get a male Tiel, oh my god, this won't stop :)



Oh my, dd I wirite this? I have been wanting a tiel very badly for a while now.....but trying to convince myself I have enough with my 3 already!!!! Your not helping Twix........: ) don't need one more cage to clean already have 4, don't need , don't need, don't need.......ugh!

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  judygram said:
I don't think you will go wrong in going with a tiel, mine is an absolute delight to have, good company and she wants to be near me most of the time, maybe all tiels aren't this way but Gypsy never bites, she pecks sometimes but never bites, I never thought I would like a tiel until I had one drop in on me as I would never have bought one but they are a lot of bird in a small package.


Judy!!!!! Wish there was a dislike button, YOU ARE NOT HELPING!!!!!!!!

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Judy!!!!! Wish there was a dislike button, YOU ARE NOT


Oh come on now, you know you need a tiel, they aren't any trouble and their cage doesn't need to be as large as the others, after all it is a lot smaller bird, I never thought I would want one but now I am glad that Gypsy dropped in on me two summers ago, she is a wonderful little bird and am now tempted to get a male so I can hear him sing, the females don't sing but have a nice little chirp.

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OMG!!!!! i need to hide this post from my husband because from yesterday he kill me for that tiel!!!(i cant belive a man 26 years old is begging me all the time for a tiel) :)


surely i will take him soon,but guys.. is it really okay if they see each other in the first day(momo and the tiel)?with a far distance of course.

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Then let the man have his tiel, they are one of the easiest birds to keep and I am sure he will love it.

Depending on where you get this tiel a quarantine period should be observed for you never know what kind of disease the bird could have been exposed to, if you get it from a breeder then it is probably safer than if you get it from a bird store or some type of bird fair. A quarantine period is necessary for the new bird could be carrying a disease without showing any effects from it and usually in the quarantine time it will show itself, of course a checkup by an avian vet would be in order also. Its up to you whether you do this or not but if not then you could potentially expose Momo.

Its ok if they see each other if you do not go the route of quarantine but they will be able to hear one another so each will know the other exists.

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hi judy,

thanks for the help.to be honest,i just have 1 bedroom in my apartemen so i dont have much choice.i need to put them together in living room.

defenetly i will do the vet exam check(i will get the tiel from a rescue place i get momo from) and they will able to see each other in far distance.


thanks everybody,we already make up our mind.the tiel will be here on thursday!!

wish me luck!!

(wow,i loveeee this forum!!and all the member too!!very helpful!!) :)

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Judy.....look what I just now found that wasn't there this morning........


A free male cockatiel..........cage and all............yes I emailed, DON'T NEED ANOTHER BIRD?????? STAY AWAY PENNY!!!!!!

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