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Hello from Colorado!

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Hello everyone! My girlfriend and I just signed up for this site and we just wanted to introduce ourselves! My name is Drew and my girlfriends name is Christi (user chambielove), I'm 25 and she is 24. We are currently living a few miles outside Denver and couldn't be happier. I'm sure you're all reading this to hear about what rules our life... the animals of course! We are currently proud parents of an 8 year old Congo, 3 year old sun conure, 14 year old cockatiel, and two Siberian huskies! I'll hopefully have some pictures of all the animals up soon but this will have to do for now. If there is anything else you would like to know don't hesitate to ask'

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Thanks for the greetings everyone! Our congo is named Chambie (she likes to call herself goose for some reason), Orange Peel is our sun conure, and Chip is our old man cockatiel. Chambie we actually got off Craigslist 2 years ago, she is definitely a character! Christi got me Orange Peel for Christmas a couple years back and I got chip when I was about 12 years old.

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Hello Drew and welcome to our family, so glad you found us.

You have the same species of birds I have, a Cag, sun conure and a cockatiel, wonderful bunch of fids I must say, hope yours make you as happy as mine do me.

I look forward to seeing some pictures of the flock when you get the chance.

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What a warm introduction, thanks so much for joining us. We love to hear how other people live with their parrots of all kinds and what they mean in your lives. It is always good to share our wonderful and unique parrots with others who understand. Welcome to both of you and your happy flock and your Huskies too.

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Hello luvparrots, our greys name is chambie, sun conure is orange peel, and our grumpy old cockatiel is name chip :)

Your sun conure is aptly named for they are very colorful and bright. Is your tiel really grumpy or is that because he is older? I do not know the age of my tiel but am guessing she is only a few years old.


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