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Train your parrot to talk


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This is garbage. Parrots learn to talk in real-time while interacting with the persons in the household as they do and describe WHAT they are doing at that moment. Parrots are highly intelligent and KNOW what they are describing or asking for. They do not just "Parrot" what they hear over and over in a recording. If they did happen to, it would not have any meaning to them.


Our parrots will tell you they want an apple or the cage door opened etc. due to them learning those words and phrases as you speak to them just as you do to human children as they are learning human language.


The only reason for devices like this or cd/dvd with recordings is to make $$$ off of uninformed new parrot owners.


The only reason I am leaving this post instead of just deleting it, is so any newbies will know to disregard any such claims of magically teaching your parrot to talk via a repetitive recording/playback device.

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birdtraining... unless your bird learns to recognize your voice, thru personal interaction, it means nothing! A message for her, to listen to my voice, when I am at work. She would LOVE to hear it! Meaningful interaction would start, when I walk in the door, and she greets me. She is way too smart for this nonsense, and I would NEVER insult her intelligence Nancy

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while your idea is cute... it's not good for birds, like others have said, birds need to make connections... words are not sounds, not for us, not for them. Words serve a purpose. If every 10 seconds you hear the sound pimperfutsel what does that mean? absolutely nothing... because the word serves no purpose... however, say for example every time you hear the word BAM you hear people stand up and run in a circle... guess what... that word serves a purpose... it makes people run in a circle... so the bird will then think *if I say BAM people run in a circle* they're more likely to say it because it serves a purpose...


also, I did check out your app, bc I was curious, but $5 (for iPhone version) is really expensive... considering that top games like angry birds only costs $.99 if you want your product do well, seriously think about making it free to get your name out there... also, since the app is meant for a cellphone... how exactly is it supposed to work since when people leave the house, they take their cellphones with them? I'm just giving some constructive crit... please don't take it the wrong way

Edited by snoepgoed123
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This is garbage. Parrots learn to talk in real-time while interacting with the persons in the household as they do and describe WHAT they are doing at that moment. Parrots are highly intelligent and KNOW what they are describing or asking for. They do not just "Parrot" what they hear over and over in a recording. If they did happen to, it would not have any meaning to them.


Our parrots will tell you they want an apple or the cage door opened etc. due to them learning those words and phrases as you speak to them just as you do to human children as they are learning human language.


The only reason for devices like this or cd/dvd with recordings is to make $$$ off of uninformed new parrot owners.


The only reason I am leaving this post instead of just deleting it, is so any newbies will know to disregard any such claims of magically teaching your parrot to talk via a repetitive recording/playback device.



Question Dan,


I've heard and read from other forums and I believe several members here who recommend Barbara Heidenreich. Her website has a dvd on "teach your parrot to talk" She appears to be an avian behaviorist and is quite well known throughout the states for teaching at many zoos and holding many live seminars. I don't have my baby grey home yet, so my knowledge is quite limited but are you suggesting that a dvd like hers is garbage? I was considering to buy it but haven't gotten around to it yet..don't want to spend 30 bucks if it's not worth it though.



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Yes Barbara Heidenreich is an avian behaviorist and her dvds will help with specific problems and I would highly recommend her and her work. I doubt that Dan was referring to her dvds for they are not repetitive talking, I think he was thinking of another person and their dvds that is a bunch of garbage.

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I agree with judygram. I think the "garbage" comment was specific to the repetetive technique of just exposing a parrot to language in a meaningless way. I don't know what Barabara Heidenreich's video entails, but I assume it gives strategies for parrot owners to use to make language meaningful while interacting with their birds.


On a sad side note, when I was 11 I got a budgie and named him Perry. On his first day with me I took a tape recorder and recorded myself saying "Perry, Perry, Perry..." over and over for 30 minutes. Then I left it by his cage and subjected him to it for a couple of hours. The next morning he was dead. Now, I doubt my tape recording had anything to do with it, but I've never tried that again!

Edited by JeffNOK
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Question Dan,


I've heard and read from other forums and I believe several members here who recommend Barbara Heidenreich. Her website has a dvd on "teach your parrot to talk" She appears to be an avian behaviorist and is quite well known throughout the states for teaching at many zoos and holding many live seminars. I don't have my baby grey home yet, so my knowledge is quite limited but are you suggesting that a dvd like hers is garbage? I was considering to buy it but haven't gotten around to it yet..don't want to spend 30 bucks if it's not worth it though.




Your absolutely right. Barbara is a highly respected behaviorist and has many tools available to the public such as dvd's, publications and a quarterly subscription to her articles. The dvd is not a repetitive recording device you playback. It is simply explaining how to do it.


The best advice for your bird talking, is to always associate your words with items, actions and descriptions consistently. The bird will pick up what they wish and will use appropriately as well. You can not force a bird to talk, some may never talk, some will be jabber jaws and some will just state the facts when it is necessary for them to lower themselves to our primitive form of communication so the dumb monkey will give then a piece of apple. :)

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OK I am going to put my foot in my mouth.

Some things I think are important.

1. Talk to your bird and not at them.

2. Communicate with your birds and not just words.

3. Enjoy your time with them and have fun.

4. Educate your bird and not just train.

Your bird is like anouther child in your home.

If you teach they will learn.

If you train they will perform.

Just IMO>

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