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help with calcium defiency in my parrot???


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hi my parrot charlie is 5yrs old he suffers from a calcium defiency he is constantly falling over unsteady on his feet cant hold his food or anything, ive recently had him at the vets and he has had numerous calcium injections as a result ive taken him back home and he has gotten worse he is under a 5,0 birdlamp and still can not stand.His gland his throat is so swollen its like he is gasping for air,can any1 give me advice as the vet is saying to just up his calcium and call bk next week...will my parrot get better ??? Can any1 tell me should i change his food and how long does it take for parrots to get better ?? Ive already put his perch low he is just at the bottom of his cage not really moving much just wobbly like jelly tysm

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This is deathly serious. Did your vet also give vitamin D3 so the calcium will be absorbed in to the body,bones etc.? I would get your grey back to the vet immediately from the symptoms you are describing which are life threatening. Next week will not be soon enough if your grey is presently at the point of gasping for air!!!

Edited by danmcq
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yes he has had this he was in the vet for 3days having injections now i give it him in the syringe 1mil 2times a day his pupils on his eyes are huge is this bcos he is tired and not gettin enough sleep ? bcos he is so wobbly holdin onto my finger with his beak to steady himself to go to sleep ...im taking him tomorro yes and mention the d3 that might be what they was giving him tysm

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Do you mean Thyroid Hyperplasia (Goiter) in Birds? Greys have a Preen Gland that is sometimes swollen and non-functional located at the bottom - center of their back which secretes oil that they get off the wick when preening and it coats the feathers with the precursors for D3.


If breathing becomes more stressed, you really need to get your grey to a vet 911!!!

Edited by danmcq
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