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Grey forum members

Ray P

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If you are a member of this forum and share your home with species of fids other than a grey than check this out.

If you share your home with a amazon than your zon needs to take it`s place on the list with all the honored amazons of the grey forum. If your are not on the list than PM me with youe zons name and species so they can take their proper place. Amazon Room, Thread, Honored Amazons.

If you share your home with other fids other than a grey or amazon than check out the other birds room and make sure that your other fid takes it`s place with all the other fids honored list of the grey forum.

Again if you do not see your fids name or yours than PM me with your birds name and species so they can take their proper place. Other Birds Room, Thread Other honored fids of the grey forum.

I am having a good time finding out how far this forum can reach !

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Ray what you're doing is awesome! this will be a valuable resource to members who have other birds (hey my ___ bird is doing this, oh i can pm ___ for help cuz they have 2)


eventually would you want to extend the list to fur babies? I know many of us here have furry critters as well as feathery critters

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