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My Grey makes no noise?


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I don't care if Skye ever talks or not or even mimics noises. My question is is it normal for him to make no noise at all? He will growl if you get near him but other then that no whistles, calls, anything...


When he was in the bird room he would whistle but since being in the living room he doesn't do anything. Also if cornered on the floor he will do a doorbell sound but in his cage or on it..nothing.


I have never had a bird that didn't at least do their natural bird call.


Will he eventually make noise? at least his natural calls?


I've had him 3 weeks now and last week he was moved into the living room.


I am home all day and even if I am not near him he doesn't even do "closet talking or noise making".

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Three weeks may seem like a lot of time but to a grey it is nothing, he needs more time to adjust to his new home and surroundings, he may just be observing everything right now, some need to feel more comfortable before they will make some noises so hang in there and I bet soon he will at least make some kind of sounds or calls. He may feel like if he talks or makes noises it will give his location away so that means he still feels at a disadvantage, give him plenty of time and be patient for the day will come he will be more vocal.

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Judy is correct. 3 weeks is like a day to us. He isn't even close to feeling settled in or relaxed. He does not know this is his forever home, why he is here, for how long, and who you are. I would be guarded too. He can't understand your good intentions yet, that comes with patience, love and time....lots of it. Remember, YOU know he should've calm and relaxed and feel loved, but it is his nature to be on guard until HE decides it's safe for him to feel comfortable enough to make sounds.

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You need to relax. When you moved him again he might of had a little setback. So relax, talk to him and just let nature take its course. I have waited over a year for a rehomed zon to relax enough to come to me on his own. It took time but the reward is so worth the wait.

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hi aisia,

i completely agree with all the comment.

mine dsnt make any noise also until 1 month.and after that he start whistling and now,acctually he really make me headache because he dsnt stop making noise for 6-7hours everyday(seriously non-stop).sometimes i miss my quite baby :)

just be patient and dont worry, that noisy day will come,hehe.

good luck.

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All the others gave good comments.


A couple of things you mentioned in regards making sounds etc.


Since you moved him to the living room, he is now in a new room and does not feel comfortable to do any chattering. He will, unless he is actually afraid of something in there right now.


The doorbell sound when corner, I suspect is because he knows that sound equal open the door and he could get out of the corner. He is very intelligent and trying his best to communicate at times that previously worked for him, but he does not realize you do not know those indications... yet. :)


It's all about studying and coming to know what he is telling you and making him feel comfortable and safe. Believe me, even different chirps and whistles mean something. :)

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Thank you everyone. I was just worried something was wrong. As for noise...lol I am use to it. I have 2 Cockatoos who think they can "sing". If you have ever heard a Too...they can NOT sing. lol.

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dont worry,my guess is he just still shy.

mine was like that too. :)

my family had 2 mollucan Too before also,yes they are very loud.mmm but,still momo's sing sometimes can make me crazy.he likes to make high pitch tone with a scream continue.hehe.

hope the noisy day will come for you soon.good luck aisia.

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I am very lucky with Misty. He has the most melodious of whistles and his talking voice sounds just like me.:D He rarely imitates other noises like phones or microwaves but when he does he is neither loud or persistent. If I unexpectedly touch his wings he will let out a blood chilling screech but I avoid doing that obviously. I think Greys as pets have a reputation for being relatively quiet compared to other large parrots, Toos and Macaws,


Steve n Misty

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Sophie sounds just like me also... but she can be EXTREMELY loud. She imitates the other birds to perfection. She talks nonstop... if she runs out of human words, she starts baby talk. If she talks too much, as well as other birds, I do have to say "quiet!" That gives me about ten minutes of peace! LOL

I do have to say, if there is a crisis, they are all angels, and know when they seriously should be quiet. Zoey my pup, continues to have seizures occassionally, this is new to us. I'm sure they perceive my stress at the moment, and become the best supportive birds. nancy

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Everyone already said it-- don;t worry about it!


Took is the same. She'll be 2 in July. She never makes noises if certain people are around. She's friendly and loves people but is shy and won;t speak in front of them (but if you try to take her away from everyone, she runs away from the "step up;" her way of saying "I'm staying! Don;t take me away!").


She makes her noise in front of me and my husband or when she's alone but that's all. And that took a couple months.


Our Took overall isn't a big talker, she has a very sparse English vocab. And she doesn't make any of the electronic noises either. (she will say "hello" when the phone rings, "gimmie a kiss," "go poopie" which she even stopped annoucing, and "kaka" that my father taught her (but it's so cute, she knows its a bad word so she says it and then laughs afterwards, its her favorite joke).


She's fully fluent in parrotese and whistling. We love it. And we help her develop that vocab by showing her youtube videos of parrots whistling pretty songs because holy crap, in the begininng, her singing sounded like a frogs mating!! Not a good singing voice!!!

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