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Air sack in neck, help


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Hey guys,


Just started the lovely forums, cause I was giving my grey a shower. I already have a timneh, he is 32 and he tooks normal showers from a showerhead, and I bought another grey, he is 20, and he seemed to enjoy the shower as well, he walked under the water and just sang away, but I have some worries, after his shower he had a huge bulge in his neck, and it looked as if it was filled with water. My new grey(spike) has a bent beak, SO it has huge gaps on the sides, do you think water filled his neck sack? It does look like water is in it, he doesnt seemed bothered by it, just taking very watery poops alot.


Thanks, for any and all advice



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It sounds like the shower water entered his crop through those beak gaps, he should pass the extra water in his droppings making them quite watery. Suggest no more showers for fear of over hydrating him so just use a spray mister on fine mist to fall over his body or offer a shallow pan to him for bathing. If the condition persists longer than an hour or you observe any breathing difficulty please call your Vet.

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Maggie here, Jays dictating to me,[lol] This water in the back air sac bothers me, it's probably nothing. Air is breathed in through two nostrils situated at the base of the bill, this air enters the "trachea" then passes down the throat until it reaches the syrinx (a bird's vocal chords). Here the trachea divides into two "bronchi" before passing through the lungs. This freshly inhaled air goes first, not to the lungs, but to the abdominal air sacs. These are the largest and most important of a bird's air sacs. Some of this inhaled air goes to the posterior air sacs also, this means [?] the back receives air after reaching the lungs [?] at this point it recycles to the abdominal air sac etc. Normally if water goes down the nostrils or it is swallowed wrong, you have breathing problems. Please keep us informed......Thanks Jay [Maggie]


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