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I'm getting a 2 week old CAG is it good for me to

Go visit him/her lots unitl its weaned or does it not matter untill it's older? how much can I hold him

Seeing as he's so young an what not I don't want to hold him to much or would he get cold after awhile

Edited by parker
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I would think your breeder knows what's best. And if they DON'T, I'd be leery of buying from that breeder because they would be close to that "I only do this to make money" line-in-the-sand (IMHO) and I don't feel that I would be able to trust them.


My own baby CAG was born 3/21 and I will be seeing him/her for the first time this week. The delay was due to the fact that the bird was up in LA being hand-fed because my breeder simply has too many babies right now (of different species) to handle. I think there is such a thing as a bird being too young to handle/visit simply due to the various germs that each person carries....less is more kind of thing until they're a certain age. What age that would be, again, would be best decided by your breeder.



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Going early gives you an opportunity to see your baby while he is still fragile and gives you the chance to see how his breeder handles him. It also gives you a chance to learn more about his care and feeding even though you will get him after he is weaned. I do believe it will develop a trust and recognition of you and will help in the transition of bringing him home. He may be too little the first time for you to hold him but they grow so fast that weekly trips would be beneficial to both of you. We got ours later so we didn't get to see him and hold him when he was this little. Trust your breeder to keep your baby safe and take the advice they give you, they know so much more about it.

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I would think that you probably can't see/hold the chick until it is brought into the home for handfeeding and socializing. Before that even the breeder would not be handing the chicks unless needed. Ask the breeder. I did not see my grey until she was weaned and we bonded quickly because the breeder socialized her babies very well. Talk to the breeder especially if you are friends.

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