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ornery vent


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I have been having a hard time finding almonds in the shell for a couple of month now. I had a good stash in the freezer from holiday times when they are more plentiful. I was getting down to just a small handful and it is the favorite night time snack for Gilbert and Java. When I went to the bird fair yesterday the people who usually have them were out too. I was ready to go out the door when I spied some at the last vendor. He only had five bags and as tempted as I was to snatch them all up, I went to the man to ask if he had more because I didn't want to deprive others of having them if that was all they had. When he said that is all he had, I turned back and there was already a man there taking them all. Oh well, my bad luck. I was watching and hoping he would decide it was too many. He was a well dressed, middle aged man and he got a bag and started filling it with all the almonds. In the meantime, the vendor said he could ship me ten pounds and I was filling in the information. That nice man slithered out and stole all those almonds and didn't pay for them! What a louse.

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What a louse indeed and those are the ones you have to watch out for, the nice and slick ones, I can imagine he had plenty of money to pay for them but took the opportunity to just steal them when the vendor was busy with you, I think I would have been tempted to run after him and confront him with the fact he didn't pay for those nuts. So sorry this happened to you Dee but one place I know that has them in the shell is drsfostersmith.com, they are not cheap but then nothing is anymore. Man I would have been really pissed off.

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I checked their website out Kim and they do have them and a lot cheaper than drsfostersmith does, I might have to give this site a try. Thanks Kim.


Your welcome. :o) I've not ordered from them yet but have heard nothing but good things.



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I have to admit, I went right out to the parking lot and looked for him, then I came back inside and made two rounds of the bird fair to see if he was still inside. I should have gone inside to check the men's restroom! It would be better not to have a confrontation over twenty five dollars worth of nuts, so I am trying just to move along but it makes me so mad that these bird fair vendors are small businesses that travel here four times a year and give us quality food and toys for our parrots at very low profits to them. They really do it for the birds and a struggling economy they always wonder if this is the last time they can afford to come. This kind of discouragement of someone being so disrespectful is disheartening. I did get the name of the vendor and he is only sixty miles north of us, so I could do a fun motorcycle ride and go up and bring back ten pounds of almonds some day when I want to just have a couple of hours out. I will find a way to make it all turn out well for me and for the vendor. It made me really mad for a little while, but it is out of my control, so I will focus on the happiness of being with good people and sharing better days than that lout will ever experience due to his own mindset.

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Well would you just look at that. When good people come together it turns around the unpleasant experience and ornery vent to being a heartfelt thank you and something even better. I have been making little triangle boxes for table favors at my daughter's wedding in just under two weeks. We were going to shop for candy to put in the boxes and I detest shopping. I took a look at nuts.com and ordered all the candy for the reception... plus got some more almonds... plus got some unsalted pistachios for my parrots too. I have never found them unsalted in any store. What a stroke of good luck, thanks Kim.

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Well would you just look at that. When good people come together it turns around the unpleasant experience and ornery vent to being a heartfelt thank you and something even better. I have been making little triangle boxes for table favors at my daughter's wedding in just under two weeks. We were going to shop for candy to put in the boxes and I detest shopping. I took a look at nuts.com and ordered all the candy for the reception... plus got some more almonds... plus got some unsalted pistachios for my parrots too. I have never found them unsalted in any store. What a stroke of good luck, thanks Kim.


WOW! Your welcome. Glad it worked out so well. LOL :o)



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Hay Dee; In regards to the man that ran off with the nuts.

It takes all kinds of people to make up this world and some times you have to deal with a nut like that.

It`s not right but you and I and the members on this forum see thing in a different way than they do.

What comes around goes around.

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I agree Ray, it does take all kinds. What really is hard to look away from is the fact if someone were down on their luck having a hard time, any one of these vendors would hear about it and give them the almonds free. But, the person who takes without regard to the harm it causes others will never know the community of a helping hand. I can't imagine how it must feel to the guys who are away from their families, hauling heavy boxes around and then being let down by the "customers". They have the good sense to know it is a few bad apples and they are still helping a much larger group of their supporters, but it still hurts the little guy and takes a bite out of their tight budget.

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