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Is his cage located where he can observe the activity in the household but feel safe, like against a wall or in a corner? The best thing you can do is let him hang out and check out his new home. Sit beside him and read to him, talk to him, let him know what is going on. Don't rush him. He'll be a happier, more confident bird if he feels he has some control over how he joins into his new flock. Just relax. African grey time is slower than ours, but you'll both get there in the end. :)

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A lot depends on how old your parrot is, what experiences he has had and his original temperment. We have a 7-10 year old male Timneh who has had a really hard adjustment period. The advice I was given was the same for a baby coming home for the first time and rehomes and that is taking it slow and then slowing down. It is really hard to just let them fret quietly and worse if they are growling and scared, but giving the new parrot a wide berth for a few days is setting the foundation for your relationship with him. Talk from across the room and approach a little at a time and when you see him run or hide or show signs of discomfort, hold back and wait for the next approach. Some will be really adaptable and you will see positive results as soon as they realize you are not going to eat them. Others, mine included, have a much longer transition period. He was a special case "with issues" but we are becoming closer friends and it has been a year of working to understand him. When you say yours is uneasy, I am guessing his adoption was an improvement to his life and if you know of any treats you can offer, like almonds in the shell or pinenuts, he may toss them at first, but keep offering. Try putting them in his dish and once he accepts that you will be able to offer it to him from your fingers. As he gets to know you, you will know what to do with him, trust your instincts and let him have choices as to when and how to interact and he will come around.

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i just adopted an African grey any ideas on how to get him used to me he's still a little uneasy? any input is greatly appriciated.


The others have given good advice.


So we can better help you, could you tell us more about him, his background, age etc. if known?


How does he interact with you presently? Does he come out of his cage yet? Does he fluff up or scream when you approach?


We have a ton of posts on this forum in the restive rooms addressing food, health, training etc. you can browse at your convenience as well. The first you would find good advice in would be the rescue room:



I am looking forward to hearing more. :)

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i just adopted an African grey any ideas on how to get him used to me he's still a little uneasy? any input is greatly appriciated.

Why not make an introduction post in the welcome room and tell us more about this bird, how old, his name, do you have any other birds, is this your first grey, your first bird?

The others have given you some excellent advice, it just takes time and lots of patience to get him used to you and to settle down and feel comfortable in his new home, you cannot rush the relationship for he has to learn to trust you and that trust has to be earned. We can be of further help if we know more about his circumstances before he came to you like how many homes has he been in before he came to you and such, rehomed birds do carry some baggage with them from their previous homes and it helps to know some of that so you know what you are dealing with.

Pictures are always welcomed here.

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Best wishes for you two! You have done a wonderful thing and joining this forum is a second wonderful thing! These guys will give you the best advice you could ever get! Take it slow and easy with your new fid and in return you will get a life time of love and joy!

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i just adopted an African grey any ideas on how to get him used to me he's still a little uneasy? any input is greatly appriciated.

if there is anything I can tell you is TAKE YOUR TIME. let your new baby move at their own speed you will find the rewards later on if you do this! :D

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