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Two Months Grey Alone ?


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Hello everyone. This is my 1st visit here so I hope I am asking this in the right room. I own a beautiful 13 year old female and we have a wonderful relationship. She gets 3 hours minimum out time each day, usually more. This year I would like to travel away from my own for two months. I live alone. What possible alternatives to I have to ensure her emotional health when I am gone? Right now all I have scheduled is someone to change her food every second day, takes 5 minutes. Suggestions anyone?

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Two months is a long time to just have someone come and replenish food and water dishes, do you have any friends, family or neighbors who might be interested in having her come and stay in their home while you are away? Another suggestion is do you have any bird clubs in your area for they are a good resource for someone to take her in while you are gone as they would be experienced in bird care.

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Thanks Judy. This is my 1st attempt at options and you have pointed out a few. If she stays with a family member, which is an option, she still will not be out of her cage as she has bonded only with me (classic grey). So I fifured being in a cage is being in a cage. Do you think that just seeing activity around her even though locked up would be enought? My next step is to xontact our local bird club.

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Two months is a long time to just have someone come and replenish food and water dishes, do you have any friends, family or neighbors who might be interested in having her come and stay in their home while you are away? Another suggestion is do you have any bird clubs in your area for they are a good resource for someone to take her in while you are gone as they would be experienced in bird care.


Please take to heart what Judy has said!!!! #1, you being gone for 2 months is going to cause trouble, as little as 2 days can cause trouble. #2. if you work 8hr's come home in another 2hr's, sleep for 8hr's, your bird needs at least 5hr's of company....Thanks Jay....

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Wow, this site is wonderful. Thank you so much for your comment(s), I came to the right place with other bird lovers. My grey is the most important thing in my life and I will ensure she is left in a good location. Her cage is on coasters and can fit into a van. Opps, here she comes looking for me :)

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If you are traveling soon you need to find someone quickly so she can get used to them, it might be that they will be able to allow her some time out of the cage especially if it is a "bird person" for they usually know how to approach a bird. Even if she does not get out because the people can't handle her at least she will be around other people, greys are flock animals so they want to be around people.

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If you are traveling soon you need to find someone quickly so she can get used to them, it might be that they will be able to allow her some time out of the cage especially if it is a "bird person" for they usually know how to approach a bird. Even if she does not get out because the people can't handle her at least she will be around other people, greys are flock animals so they want to be around people.


My personal thank you to Judy, she's always right-on.

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Hello Smokie. Welcome to our family. You have a difficult problem. As others have said your idea to leave your Grey alone is not a good idea. You have find a better option than the one you suggest. Greys absolutely need regular companionship otherwise they will suffer depression and that can lead to all kinds of problems from feather plucking and worse. May I suggest you contact local breeders to see if they can reccomend a temporary foster home? I know if I was in your position and had to leave Misty I would be worried sick if I did not know that he was in the best possible care. If I have to leave him for more than half a day I worry and cannot wait to get back to him. I have turned down holidays because I could not find a suitable carer for him in time and I don't regret it. The holiday would have been no fun for me because of the worry. You could not leave a small child alone like that and as you know Greys are like small childeren emotionally and in other ways. Even two days is to long! If you want to enjoy your time away or at least not be worried sick, find a solution that means your companion is well cared for by sympathetic people.

You have not said where in the world you are. We have members all over the world and there might be one or some who could give you more location specific advice.


All the best Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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Smokie you can also try asking your vet if they can recommend a place that offers boarding. The bird store I go to offers boarding and a web cam so I know that is an option to me if I ever can't find an appropriate sitter.


edited to add. Any place you take your bird for boarding comes with risks, including private residences where birds are in the home. There is always a risk that your bird will be exposed to illnesses from other birds whether a vet check is required for boarding or not.

Edited by Wingy
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Do you live close to Atlanta? I have a grey and a red-bellied parrot. We fostered a cockatiel for five months and it was entertaining and rewarding. Hopefully you will find someone with grey experience. Even if they don't make friends with your girl, they will be good company and have an awareness to let you know if she is having any adjustment issues. She will probably have an adjustment issue regardless of how you plan carefully for your absence, but as a caretaker for a rehomed grey I can attest to the heartache of a grey who was someone's wonderful companion and now is older, has been rehomed a few times and carries a heavy emotional toll. Not to say your girl would be abandoned, you have a motivation and need to make this life change or you wouldn't be considering it. I wish I was close enough to help you out.

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I would also look to see if you have a local rescue. I know the one near me offers boarding, and has also put people in your situation in contact with pet sitters who are bonded and will actually move into your home so that your bird can stay put. Not cheap, but what price can you put on peace of mind when you love your fid as much as you obviously do.

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Thank you everyone for your replies. How nice to be in touch with other grey lovers :) I live in Winnipeg Canada and do have friends in the local Parrott Club that I will contact - this is probably the best idea. That being said, you (as a group) have reinforced how important my pet's emotional health is to me and I will ensure she is placed in the right spot. Thank you. John Lawrie

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Jocelyn
Thank you everyone for your replies. How nice to be in touch with other grey lovers :) I live in Winnipeg Canada and do have friends in the local Parrott Club that I will contact - this is probably the best idea. That being said, you (as a group) have reinforced how important my pet's emotional health is to me and I will ensure she is placed in the right spot. Thank you. John Lawrie


I too am from Winnipeg how did things work out for ya?

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