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he knows....


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Archimedes knows when he's being bad, or doing something that he KNOWS he's not supposed to.... for example, any time he goes on the chinchilla cage, he knows he's not supposed to be up there, and the little punk tries to distract me by looking cute and asking for a head scratch... or if I'm typing something up, he'll go after something that he's not supposed to, and when I reach over to try and redirect him, down goes his head, waiting for a scratch.... it's a good thing he's cute... :rolleyes:

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That's very funny! Talon knows when she is doing something she's not supposed to...when she does the behaviour, i will say to her, "talon, what are you doing?" she then looks at us and has a body movement she does that is DEFINATELY her version of f#*% you! She turns her head to the side, and puts her wings and and pumps her body a couple of times. It happens all the time at those moments.


Another story, whenever Rikki is doing something wrong, Talon is the first to tattle on her, talon yells loudly, "RIKKI! STOP THAT! NO!" then I know to go look and see what Rikki is up to. That happens daily...:(


Both Rikki and Talon yell at Nilah as well. When Nilah does something wrong, she start humming ....so whenever we here her humming, we get up and see what trouble she's up to. It's the only time she hums.


Needless to say, we don't sit much in my house, we jump up and down checking on one of them always! :(

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Ya JUST before Sasha is about to do something bad, he will turn his head, and make sure im looking at him (or if I am not he will make a squak to make sure I do) then as soon as he knows I am watching he does the bad thing. Then he will fly away sit on something and sit there looking all proud at what he just got away with. He is extra proud if whatever he just did causes a bunch of noise (such as throwing something on the wooden floor and makes a big clash).


Most of the time it is pretty funny except for when it is a glass plate that he just threw on the floor....

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Okay, when you new Spock was doing something he shouldn't be doing, we'd yell "SPOCK" and he'd reply "What". If we said "Spock, what are you doing, he'd reply,"NOTHING". The worst was "Spock, you want a time out?" Spock would reply "Hell No". This is the truth!! Maggie

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  Jayd said:
Okay, when you new Spock was doing something he shouldn't be doing, we'd yell "SPOCK" and he'd reply "What". If we said "Spock, what are you doing, he'd reply,"NOTHING". The worst was "Spock, you want a time out?" Spock would reply "Hell No". This is the truth!! Maggie


That's one of the funniest things I've ever heard!! Love it! :)

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Thanks, 2 things, whats funny and mind blowing is when Joey's on his perch behind Maggie when she's cleaning and he converses in my voice and she thinks it's me! he'll say something like: How are you? Maggie will reply with I'm ok, Joe will say What-ca doing? Maggie will reply Dishes, and Joe will say, Give me a kiss, I love you, Maggie will turn around see it's Joe and Joe will go Hehehe.....

Spock and Joe would converse [in English] complete conversations, like wanna good nut? no, then come here!, why?what you want, nothing Hehehe, Want some good water? NO, tell Rolo to shut-up, Tell babe I'm hungry, yea, light a fire under he butt, Hehehe Wheres Papa, where you going, to see papa, see you later........

Edited by Jayd
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I DO believe in timeout! ( NOT their cage!) I had a timeout cage that Sophie went into! Lasted around six months when adopted at age two. Timeout for biting was five minutes. After the age of almost three, there is no timeout cage, but if she goes crazy, I will ask her if she needs to go into timeout? She has a certain squak! ( no timeout!)

She is the most spoiled bird, and rules the animal kingdom. BUT... she is not above the law. I am the law, and she knows that.( honestly, there is no serious law!) Don't need one! She is my child, bestfriend. Of course, if there is any confusion, I make the decisions and she respects my choices. I am always fair, and make decisions that works for everyone. Nancy

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