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I got a bit of bad news from a routine colonoscopy. A spot was found that turned out to have squamous cell carcinoma. It's not bad. It's one of those things that they call a "good" cancer. Very curable. I have to do the chemo/radiation thing but once it's done, the invasion is gone. I just wanted to explain why I've been "distracted" and not a good member lately. It's also my public service announcement to get a colonoscopy if you are over 50. Catching it early is SOOOOOO much better than waiting until a problem develops.


Egan is still a wonderful bird and a total blessing. He is such a character! He is using a water bottle but my other two birds have water bowls and so when I go to change them I say, "Do you want some clean water?" That has become Egan's favorite phrase. He isn't a year old yet and his vocabulary is AMAZING! I still can't make out all of his words but he has at least 5 phrases that I recognize. I just love this guy and he was a God send at a perfect time.

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Definitely go for the tests-I had it and had no symptoms at all until I was completely blocked and deathly ill. Surgery & many months of chemo but no radiation, gut is 13 inches shorter but I am doing fine now 8 years later. So hang in there the chemo is misery but I kept my hair. If you need to commiserate just email any time.

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So glad you are back and all is well. But that's the one test I won't have done. No way!


I drink high alkaline water from the machine that the DR. who invented the colonoscopy, who gives all his patients and he himself drinks this water evey day. His results and photos of his patients have the cleanest colon ever seen.

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Guest candismalli

So sorry to hear that Barbara. I am also a HUGE advocate for colonoscopies for those over 50, and even earlier for those with family members who have had colorectal cancer. I had my first one when I was 32, I was supposed to have it every 5 years after that. My mom was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, unfortunately it was caught too late, she fought for 2 years, but it took her 2 years ago. She had been asking for a colonoscopy for years but didn't get one, now I tell everyone to make sure they get it done! If caught when a polop it can be removed before cancer, if caught early like yours fortunately was then you have almost 100% survival, if caught late you have barely any chance of living.


My Grandmother on my dad's side just also passed away from it on Christmas. She fought hard also. Now at 36yrs I need to get a colonoscopy every 3 years since it is on both sides of my family.


I am so happy you were tested and you will not have to have such a long battle due to catching it early! Definitely encourage people to get tested!! Instead of holding anger for the drs not testing my mom I use that energy for good and try to tell as many people as I can about testing and how it can save your life. As yucky as the test sounds it is not that bad, and I will do it every 3 years because I want to live for myself, for my family, and I guess I need to live a long time to care for my new Grey since he will live long!! lol

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You should rethink that decision Penny, the test itself is nothing, its the preparation the day before that is the hardest to deal with but it can be a life saver.


THAT is exactly why...the prep. ANd I really dont think in my case it would be necessary considering my state of alkalinity. It's being too acidic that causes such problems, cancer, etc.

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THAT is exactly why...the prep. ANd I really dont think in my case it would be necessary considering my state of alkalinity. It's being too acidic that causes such problems, cancer, etc.

NOT BUYING IT!!! Want to hear some story's!!!.....Do the test!!!!!..One more of your friends... Jayd and Maggie

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Penny, you know how we always tell members to"err on the safe side?' We really should practice what we preach.. Besides when the test come back negative, more points for your water system.. As you know, I'm on a Vinegar treatment, similar to you...Luv Jay

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Penny, you know how we always tell members to"err on the safe side?' We really should practice what we preach.. Besides when the test come back negative, more points for your water system.. As you know, I'm on a Vinegar treatment, similar to you...Luv Jay


Jayd and Talon, can you please explain more what you're talking about...alkalinity vs acidity causing cancer???? I've never heard that and interested to know.

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Jayd and Talon, can you please explain more what you're talking about...alkalinity vs acidity causing cancer???? I've never heard that and interested to know.


Hi, sorry, Ph doesn't cause cancer, but there is some proof that low "Acidity/alkaline" can reduce the risk of certain cancers and other problems..Penny has alkaline drinking water system, I'm on a ACV [apple cider vinegar] regime which is low Ph. similar to Penny's in practice. Thanks Jay

Edited by Jayd
complete correction..
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To clarify, alkaline or acid does not CAUSE cancer. BUT having an acidic envirement allows cancer cells and disease to grow. You want to avoid acidic foods, and eat more alkaline foods, dark greens etc. If you do a ph test on many of the bottled waters, juice, soda etc, you will find that it is acidic. When you pour that into your body, your body HAS to work to maintain the proper ph 7.0 to survive. To do that, it takes from your organs and bones to heal itself back to the proper ph. Thus over time it puts wear and tear, weaknes on your bones and organs, thus disease sets in and it is a known fact that cancer cells thrive in an acid envirement. So drinking alkaline water prevents that from happening, and in many cases, those diseases go away. My son saved his friends dog from kidney disease by giving it alkaline water. Many people are able stop taking their medications because they are no linger needed while keeping up with the water.

My son having asthma since he was 1 yr old, has been on the water for 2 years, his Dr. just declared him as " no more asthma" seeing as he has been off his medicine for a year and a half and no episodes.

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I would like to add, Talon has suffered from bacterial I factions since I got her. Antibiotics off and on over her first 4 years of life. Last year, was the first time she was declared, NO MORE, and has kept that status since. All my birds, dogs, cats are fed only 8.5 alkaline water. Us humans drink 9.5.

I stopped my prescription allergy medicines last year, I had no problems with allergies at all.

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It has been a week since anyone posted here. I too am glad the prognosis is good. Those of you who have dealt with any cancer, what to say? You are survivors! Re: the alkaline-acid thing. Most people don't realize that sugar and other refined carbs such as white flour, bread, pasta, etc. are major culprits in any disease, cardiovascular, osteoporosis, cancer, whatever. Yes, it is the prep that is the "killer."

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