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Thinking of getting another Grey, need some advice please

Trance Music

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I'm not new here, I just can't remember my email/pw or something... I kept fighting with the log in Nazi! Kept telling me the verification words I entered were not correct and all...


My last screen name was kingsnake if anyone remembers me, my Grey is BRAVO.


As some know Bravo has been with me about 9 to 10 months now. Been through are ups and downs the first part of being together but I think we have worked out things and we both are very close.


I'm thinking of adding another Grey to the family. Not right now but August ish.


Please give me some feedback good and bad. I plan on gettin bravo sexed and the new bird to avoid the whole Alpha thing. At this point I don't plan on breeding but you never know.


I would like to put them in the same cage, maybe not at first. I plan on having 2 cages, one in the dining room and one in the Den (I guess young kids call it a Mans cave).


I am attaching pictures to get feedback if sharing a cage would be ok. I usually leave the door open so Bravo can go up top etc...


Just looking at this as an idea, asking before I just do it...




Edited by Trance Music
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Will start with letting you know I am so glad you and Bravo have developed a good relationship, that is "Greyt". Now there is no guarantee that Bravo and any new bird will ever be friends, even if they are it is still not a good idea to have two Greys share a cage anyway unless it is a bonded pair and the cage is large enough that they can get away from each other if there is a dispute (talking several feet by several feet). Better to avoid a major injury than to live with the results. Separate caging so they can each have their own space is always best. Remember our birds have very few choices in how we keep them or who they get to live with or who they share attention with. We have multiple birds but all of them except the Cockatiels and Parakeets have their own cages. Some we can allow out time together with minimal negative results and some can only have individual out of cage time due to aggression with the rest of the flock. Safety first!

Edited by Greywings
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I remember you as kingsnake and have wondered what happened to you but so many come and go that it is hard to keep up with them all. Glad to hear Bravo is doing well and you have established a good relationship with him/her.

I have to agree with Jill that getting a new grey will have to have his/her own cage as it is doubtful the new one would even like Bravo much less share a cage and since Bravo is a pet he would not be suitable for breeding so you might as well dismiss that idea. Pet greys do not make breeder birds and vice versa.

I am certainly for you getting another grey if that is what you want, most of us have more than one bird and many of us have more than one grey so the more the merrier I say. If you do get another grey just put their cages in the same room for even if they don't get along they can see each other and share the company of one another especially when you are not at home.

PS, sometimes it helps to write down in a notebook different email addresses, log ins and passwords so you have them when needed especially when you take a long absence.

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I have two greys, one tag, one cag. The tag, Ana Grey will be 4 in August. The cag, Sterling Gris was 1 in March. I have had both greys for about 8 months now. Ana Grey since she was 4 months old. They do not play together. They do not like each other. They do fight beak to beak but not viciously. Of my three parrots, Ana Grey the smallest is the boss. They each have their own cage. They do go into each other's cage when the other is not there to steal food. They do allow this intrusion without going after each other. If I had to give their relationship a name it would be friendly enemies. I am constantly telling them "no fighting", "stop that", etc. I am retired and live alone. Could I put up with their fights if I were a working mom with children. Probably not. However, at my stage in life, my parrots are my children and I love it.

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I know what you mean about the PW, Usually I can figure it out. Not sure what I did...lol


Ok, so should I get 2 of the same sex or boy/girl. I'm thinking boy girl just to avoid the ALpha issue and am guessing birds go through this as well. I also understand Alpha goes on with same sex but I guess my point is, boy and girl would be less stressful when comparing 2 boys, 2 girls or boy and girl.


I wanted to find a bird in Bravos first year ish, I've read that the first 2 or so years is best when trying to get Greys to get along but I understand it also depends on each bird.


With Bravo, there was no other bird and bravo has taken to me, should I keep the new bird away from Bravo most of the time so the new birds bond gets established with me first?


I checked in a few months ago, I'll be around. I am in no way an expert to really voice my experiances with Greys on this forum yet. Now if you want to talk snakes, Venomous or Non Venomous I will gladly tell other what they should do lol! :D Seriously, I am reading asking and learning about Greys and I hope in a few years I'll have something to stand on when I voice my opionion to someone on here. ;-) When it comes to Greys, this is the forum of choice for me!


Thanks for the feedback so far, it really helps me understand reading your stories.

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Curious I am about PET Vs. Breeder African Greys.


I would like some info on this topic. Why can't a Grey be a Pet and a Breeder? Not that I don't accept this fact but more so curious of this behavior that we don't normally see in our pet companion (Dogs, Cats, Hampsters, etc...)


As I said, not doubting it, just want to learn.

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Breeder greys are bonded to each other and need their privacy to breed, they don't like human intrusion so the less they see of you the better, pet greys bond to a human or humans and like the interaction and feeling of being part of their flock, flock meaning other fids in the household and the human inhabitants. You think a pet grey can be aggressive and bite well a breeder grey will be 100 times worse, you only mess with them when its absolutely necessary.

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Hi , Dave007 is the man for that question. In the parrot world there is no "Alpha", just a simply flock leader, there's no competition or jousting to be the flock leader as in "Alpha" world. Parrots are still wild, not domesticated. One point you might wish to remember is your first bird is flock leader in a Grey home, They get everything first, first let out, 1st greeted, first feed, first toy when introducing a 2nd bird.. Introduce your new birsd to your 1st bird, you might see them dip their head or make a sound, this is showing respect for letting the new bird into the 1st birds home. Thanks Jay

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Ok, good to know, thanks! Not closing this to more comments as I enjoy the knowledge but thanking those who have chimed in and I want to ask another question.


I notice many here have other kinds of birds, something I am open to as well however my personality has to fit the bird. For example, I have a Rottie. Not because I walk him down the street with my chest pumped out and a look at me attitude but because he is smart, very smart in fact. He also serves a purpose for the house; he lets people know this isn't a house you want to break into. Sure I still have an alarm but extra protection, that is his job. (Rotties like having jobs and being a part of the family). SO yes, it's what the breed does is the reason he is in our family, it took me many tries to find the right dog breed for me.


African Grey, Bravo has been great for the most part. I just jumped in with 2 feet and it took time for me to understand him but now we are golden. He picked up the garage door annoying sound as it opens, after some trial and error it's under control (It helped that I put WD40 on the garage door), now all I have to do is say, "No one wants to hear that Beep" and he honestly changes his tune and thankfully he doesn't repeat that, so far. However Bravo is also a very smart bird. He turns one year old next month and he knows many words/sentences. He is told just a few times and he usually will pick it up. I just taught him, "I love you" and in a day or so he had it. Now I do not sit there and say I love you all day, not at all! I probably said it 10 to 15 times. This is just one example; he picks words and tunes up quickly. Bravo's job, to be cute as heck and to talk and chirp at me. He also knows when I lay down on the couch that I am taking a nap and never, ever had to be told to be quiet, he just stops! We are like a perfect fit.


So I guess I like "Smart family members", good or bad that's just the way it is. I've seen some pictures of some cool looking birds in people’s sigs. I probably came across the wrong way by saying all this but I am who I am, I love my animals and that's what matters. Plus I know what works for me and that is better than guessing and then not being happy and another rescue pet...


I've thought of a Macaw (Forget the name at the moment, Blue with yellow circles around the eyes) but after researching, too big and loud. I'm open to feedback on what type of birds might fit in my home.

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Thanks, A Grey doesn't mature till around 4yrs old, your going into a new stage with your Grey, sometimes a tough one. Don't get another parrot until your sure your ready, this is a decision only you can make...Good luck. Check out the Fourms "Amazon Room and Other Birds Room". Thanks Jay

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Lol, oh boy are the macaws loud! Each morning and evening we have to listen to him scream for a few minutes. Per our vet, this is the only screaming we need to let him do as he is calling to his flock. First time we heard this my poor husband thought he had hurt himself and tore off to check, he hurdled the baby gate in their door, scared our grey who flew off his cage, he then fell to the floor awkwardly to avoid landing on him only to see the macaw dancing back and forth across his cage. Best hours if laughing we had in a long time! A friend of ours down the street had a neighbor call the police to their home because they thought someone was being hurt within their house, cops showed up and heard the screaming. Didn't believe it was the bird until they were inside and she screamed again!

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Lol, oh boy are the macaws loud! Each morning and evening we have to listen to him scream for a few minutes. Per our vet, this is the only screaming we need to let him do as he is calling to his flock. First time we heard this my poor husband thought he had hurt himself and tore off to check, he hurdled the baby gate in their door, scared our grey who flew off his cage, he then fell to the floor awkwardly to avoid landing on him only to see the macaw dancing back and forth across his cage. Best hours if laughing we had in a long time! A friend of ours down the street had a neighbor call the police to their home because they thought someone was being hurt within their house, cops showed up and heard the screaming. Didn't believe it was the bird until they were inside and she screamed again!


Wow, that's crazy! Good thing i passed on them, Bravo's garage door sound is bad enough lol!

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I would have highly recommended an Amazon, but If you get annoyed by your grey making garage door sounds. No way would you tolerate an amazon. They talk a lot more, are loud and require more attention and babysitting than a grey. You should probably get a quiet bird......I have 2 greys, 2 parakeets, and an amazon. I LOVE the noise! But it's not for everyone, I have to hide in the garage or bathroom to talk on the phone at times...:)

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I think it is good to get another early on if that is what you want and can handle. We had our male and when he was just about one we got him a girlfriend. We felt sorry for him being home all day alone. We were lucky and they got on, so 3 months later we had them living in the same cage together. We have never had any problems with this and I don't see any reason why they can't share a cage if the cage is big enough and they get on. Ours are bonded to each other and do all the mating rituals but they are also in some way bonded to us and make the mating noises with us as well. Of course we went through stages of the normal grey challenges, screaming, biting and both were different in this respect.


I can say it is rewarding with 2 as you really see how happy they are together and do things together that we could never do with them with regards to playing, preening and even learning from each other.

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In our home, there IS a flock leader. Sophie! Its been that way, for past decade. She rules, over the entire bird kingdom! What she says goes! What I LOVE about Sophie, she is fair, and makes excellent choices. She makes sure, all birds have a " choice" of toys, always depriving herself.( i always hold back a surprise for her!). Sophie has given up so much, that she could have been selfish about, but she didn't. Nancy

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Did I actually read that Bravo is quiet while Trance Music takes a nap?!?!? I'm seething with jealousy. <Smile> Only kidding (mostly)


First, thanks for all the feedback guys.


Jeff, I'm not really sure if it helps that I sleep on the couch 10 feet away from Bravos cage or not but...


I think AG is my bird, I've spent the past few days reading about other birds... I realized, why am I looking for another bird when Bravo has been great. ANother AG it is.

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