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Very accident prone :'(


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just lately coco has been getting himself into some very strange situations :/


he will spin himself round & round on his rope toys & bells untill it is all wrapped around his leg

& he is cuaght up in them, then he is scraching & i have to unravell him :/


then other weird thing that has happened about 3 times in last few weeks, is some how he flaps or stretches & his wing comes throught the bars of his cage & then get stuck....again he screams & i have to get my husband to thred his wing back out of the bars, coz it scares me too much :(

He done this today & was really shaken up by it, he is fine now thought, but still not the point....


Just to let you all know i have the Haiti Montana cage, incase someone surggests i do not have the correct cage for my grey...


im worried one of these things will happen when nobody is home.. Has this happened to anyone else, or does anyone have any advice for me plz xxxxx

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My Sterling Gris did the exact same thing when I first brought him home at 5 months old. He was a clumsy guy. I can relate to the fear that goes through you when you hear a grey screaming. Got some good bites while untangling his wing from between the bars. What a freak accident. As for the twirling around, my zon, Louie, is a fantastic twirler and loves to swirl around all the time. I don't use rope of any kind but I do use medium to large plastic chain. Please don't use small metal chain as my Cag, Sterling Gris, got all tangled in a small link metal chain and it was H e double l l getting his loose through his screaming, biting and flapping around.

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Since Coco loves to twirl on rope toys you will have to remove them especially if you are not going to be home for he could break a leg getting caught with no one to rescue him from himself. I have never had Josey get herself into a situation like that before but she did it would freak her out I am sure.

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All birds I've had, have gotten their wings caught in their cage. They have great cages... its just part of babyhood. As far as rope toys she gets caught in, I agree with Judy, would remove them, when not home. We've all gone thru dangerous situations! I found Sophie wrapped in my " designer blinds". Totally freaked me out! My 400 dollar blinds... went in the garbage. OUCH! Next... went my curtains! OUCH again!

Babies are clumsy. We provide them with the safest enviroment we can. Stiff round rope is great. Look at your toy situation... what can they hang or get caught in, need to go. Electrical outlets, need plugs. Able to open cabinets, need safety locks.I thought once kids became teenagers, I was home free! I was wrong! Safety issues are the same, as when kids were babies. Nancy

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