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Frustrated have to vent!


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Sorry to have to vent on here but I have to have a winge at people who understand! I am getting increasingly frustrated at Billys overpreening/picking of her back and neck feathers, I am worried she is soon going to create bald spots. I know me fretting about it is only going to make matters worse but I am sure the problem is getting worse not better.


I have been to the avian vet, we have a uv lamp, humidifier, toys and plently of time out the cage, I have spent a fortune on foraging toys/shredding toys activity toys etc.


Im pretty sure she knows it bothers me as sometimes she shouts ''no'' when she is doing it (even though I have never said this to her). I have been giving her MORE cage time on advice from the avian vet who thought she might be feeling insecure out of her cage as she wasnt out very much in her previous home. The vet also advised me to put her onto a pellet diet which she took to very easily. Ive also firmed up Billys routine and she has always had 12 hours uninterupted, dark sleep.


Spraying misting only seems to make her worse and she always picks after she has been sprayed. I have Avix rain spray and soother.


The only other suggestion the vet had was sexual frustration. Billy likes the ladies and didnt get too much attention from them in her old house and now her bonded person is female who gives her a lot of attention.


Does anyone else have any ideas? Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Its very frustrating not seeing any improvements. I tell myself I have to stop thinking and obsessing over it so much but its so difficult when I feel like I must be doing something wrong?


Am i expecting too much too soon? I have had Billy for just over 8 weeks.


Well rant over....I feel a bit better already ;D

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You really do need to get a handle on that stressing out over it, when she does the picking and overpreening you need to just ignore it for any reaction to it will only make her do it more, I know it is hard to do and you hate to see her destroy her pretty feathers but they pick up on our emotions very well.

Have you tried using aloe vera juice to mist her with? It can be very soothing to the skin and might make her feel better.

Maybe one of the more experienced members can give you more advice or have some other suggestions for you.

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Thank you Judy. I am even annoying myself as I know I have to stop worrying...its just doing it! Some days Im fine about it and others like today Im not! Yes ive tried the Aloe but it seems misting of any sort makes her pick more when the feathers are wet she seems to be able to cause maximum damage! Thanks for your advice as always.

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Pria, Parrots can sense your moods, your anxiety, your frustration, your anger, your happiness, your good moods etc. They will react to it even before you realize your not happy. If I am upset, or angry, my birds entire behavior and moods change. You have to remain patient, loving and calm. 8 weeks is way too early to expect any behavior changes. Your bird's still doesn't know where it is, and that this is a forever home. She will test you and try everything she can to see what and how you will react to. Its going to take alot of time of trust and bonding until she will relax and you will see a change.

My grey I adopted as her 4th and final home took months and months to relax and begin to understand so that we could read each other with full trust.

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I can see from your post that you have analyzed and kick this problem around in your head a lot. As others have said relax as our parrots can read us so well. It takes a lots of time, strong will and patience to live with a re-homed parrot mostly because you don't know what really is/are your companion's problems and their causes. All you can try to do is figure out how to help. One thought is the use of hemp seed, if you check the internet about plucking and the use of hemp seed, it works in some cases. Hemp seed is a used also in canary food to help with the male singers. Love is the best help you can give Billy along with patience and a calm attitude. From your writings we all know you have lots of love for Billy so enjoy him and know you have made his life so much more enjoyable and loving.

Edited by luvparrots
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As others have said, do try to calm down as everything negative is going to lengthen the time it will take to achieve the results you are looking for. You should whole-heartedly believe that because it is the truth. We fight ourselvs when we involve worry, stress and strife which also leads to those behaviors in our companion birds. Do what ever you can to not stress out, as your stress will become the primary plucking motivator. Breathe, everything is going to be okay.

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Pria do you love Billy for who she is or what she is? If you love her for what she is then you'll have to fret that you don't have the "perfect" show piece. If you love her for who she is then just do the best you can and love on her no matter if she is feathered and beautiful or looking like a Sunday oven roaster. Its ok to keep trying but its not ok to make yourself crazy. Refocus all that worry energy into something positive for both you and her.

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pria... everyone has excellent advice. When a bird plucks, it usually starts out as stress, but can elevate to just a habit. Your bird may not be stressed at all and quite happy with you. Its a habit that needs to be broken. Be patient, and understand you are doing nothing wrong. Be patient, try whatever works to break the habit. We are all here to help you and will be by your side during this difficult time.

P.S.... I have seen rehomed birds that had no feathers... and eventually had the most BEAUTIFUL feathers, and no longer plucked. It is possible! Nancy

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Everybody needs a winge and a rant from time to time and this is a great place to do it. You find out quickly that you aren't alone and you have lots of support. Deep down I think you know that you are doing the right things. My fid is 9 months old and is starting to molt. Occassionally when she preens I see a feather in her beak. Inside I start to get stressed. I watch and watch her to see if she is plucking or if its just coming out during the preening process. I know that in spite of what I have learned, I will probably "react" if I suspect she is plucking. We humans are so transparently emotional to our fids. Don't be hard on yourself. I suspect everything will be just fine.

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Thanks all for your help and advice. I was having a terrible day yesterday and let everything get to me and was starting to feel...well a failure. An early night and reading all the advice has put me back on track. Your right, I do love Billy for who she is and have to accept, at this moment in time this is what Billy does but hopefully, with a bit of love and patience it might not be forever. Thanks all x

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pria, i know what you're feeling!!!! both our girls struggle with plucking. like you, they both want for nothing in food, toys, attention, love etc! athena takes just the bright green feathers from her chest/belly and kallie removes the ones on her neck and sometimes her belly. they both get regular vet checks and we always rule out medical issues first.


athena apparently likes being in her grey underwear with bright green leggings/shorts, instead of her beautiful green shirt. kallie apparently doesn't like her turtle neck sweater and wants to show off her belly button. i know how weird this sounds, but it was the only way i could handle the situation without the stress coming through for the girls to pick up on. so for us, the girls have very definite ideas of what kind of "fashion" statement they want to make and it has made for some pretty funny conversations with folks!


aloe made kallie worse, even diluted with water, she plucked more. yes she did some preening after getting sprayed, but she'd start pulling the feathers out even more. i still don't know if its because she liked the taste of the aloe, the vet thought that could be a possibility. we use haldol as a treatment for this problem. for us, it does seem to help. some people don't want to use this, but after making sure there are no physical issues with the avian vet and lots of discussion with him, we chose to do this. for the girls, it has slowed down the plucking and has allowed some regrowth.


i hope this helps.


ps, in the picture below, athena is wearing her "shirt". the pic was taken between plucking episodes. kallie of course has "carefully" posed to hide her belly button (she was being "modest" for a change).

Edited by thenabrd
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