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I'm impatient....sigh...


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I am tired of going to visit Bongo at the breeders! I want my baby home. Some days the breeder thinks she will wean at any time and other days she eats like a little piglet :-( I'm glad she is healthy and want her to go at her own pace so she is healthy fat and happy, but I want my baaaaaby :-( gosh. Any ideas how to pass the time? I'm normally a laid back go with the flow kinda girl. But this is like being 5 years old on Christmas eve!

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Good things come to those who wait, your baby will be home as soon as the breeder thinks she is ready and then the rest of your life with her will begin, patience dear. You can check to make sure you have everything you need for her arrival, cage, toys, food and you can spend some time browsing the forum especially the nursery as there are lots of threads with helpful information that might come in handy but I know how you feel but soon, real soon.

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The one thing you must know when you have a grey and that is thay walk to the beat of their own drummer.

When they are ready than they are ready.

The time is slow now, but when they come home the years fly by.

As Judy said Good things come to those who wait.

That day will come !

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You are lucky in that respect that you get to visit with her every day, I didn't have that luxury when Josey was a baby still being weaned, those daily fixes will have to be sufficient for now, it seems like just yesterday she was just a baby and now she is going on 6 years old, my how time flies.

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Be patient, greys are sure worth the wait. It sounds like you have a great breeder who believes in abundance feeding, hooray. My first grey was 4 months 2 weeks old before she came home and my second grey, my Bambam (very big guy) was 5 months old and still nibbling on formula in the evening although he was eating really well on "real" food. So be happy that you have a loving breeder of your sweet grey Bongo. The video was great! Thanks for sharing!

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Guest candismalli

That is awesome that you see him every day because they change daily it seems! The suggestion I have if you are able to is to go on the forum here about making your own toys and maybe you can make some for your baby?

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