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How did you meet your LOVE/LOVER


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I met my first (& only) husband Jerry at a bar. Yep, that's right, at a bar. 23 years later we are still together. And they said it would never last!

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When I was in the 6th grade I had this crush on a guy in the 8th grade. I left a few letters unsigned in his locker telling him how cute he was. When I was at a party in the 11th grade I saw him there. He lived only 6 houses down the street from me too. But anyway at the party I asked him if he ever figured out who left the letters in his locker? Of course that struck up a conversation. I knew he was engaged but turned out he was just engaged for convenience because she was kicked out of her house and he was only 15 at the time and his parents told him she could come live with them. What 15 year old wouldn't want a live in girl friend? He told me he didn't love her the way he should. Anyway he wasn't happy and broke it off with her. We started dating and after 3 months of being together he proposed to me and than we were together for 10 months total and we got married. We have been together now for 13 years and have 2 wonderful children! Our daughter is 11 and our son is 8. He is my best friend! In April 08' we will be married for 13 years. For as young as we are that is a rarety. I got married a week after my 18th B-day and he was 21. And we are still going strong! I think the biggest thing is we don't ever fight about $$. Why fight about it? Did it grow $ on the tree out back? Did it change anything after the fight? NO! So why fight about it? Anyway that's how we met.


lovegrey.gif<br><br>Post edited by: Ronda477, at: 2007/10/23 06:52


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Thats wonderful Ronda, about how you met your husband, and glad you don't fight about money, but do you fight about anything else? Most couples fight about something and most of the time it concerns money issues.


Almost 13 years you two are together, and I am celebrating 40 years this week and sometimes it seems like my whole life has been as married, I think I need a change.

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Honestly Judy we really don't fight. I'm not saying that to sound like a great marriage and hide anything at all. We really don't. Once a year we will have a little arguement about something but it's usually about one of us lacking in disciplining the kids and the other trying to be the good guy. We never hit our kids don't get me wrong but there are times when our 11 year old girl seems to be going on 16 lol. But no we never fight about money. We don't have credit cards, we got rid of them all so we have no bills there. We live pay check to pay check like everyone else but we just try to make everything stretch. When we see something we want it might take one or two weeks to get but we always get it. Not like a car or anything, we are no way near that lucky to save for one or two weeks lol. His parents raised him very well, they never fight about it either, they were 60's children lol so they are just free. My parents did fight about $ and I swore I would never do that. It never changed anything after the fight, they still had the same problem. My husband does say I am the most possitive person he knows and I guess it makes him look more in that direction as well. My mom can't figure me out either on that subject cause she can't believe we don't argue about it after all the stuff we have been through financially. But you just have to look at it in a good way. Yeh what is going on in your life right now absolutely sucks! BUT you have good health, a good husband, two healthy children and money coming in and food on the table. Now we don't eat filet mignon every week. A couple of times a year maybe but you have to look at the good and know that the bad will pass. It always does at some point.


Congrads on the almost 40!<br><br>Post edited by: Ronda477, at: 2007/10/24 04:02

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I see you are a half full glass and not the half empty glass kind of person, positive is better than negative and you certainly do have a good outlook for yourself and your family, you have a good head on your shoulders even if you do live in West Virginia. Just kidding about that part, I bet you are tired of hearing West VA jokes.:P

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  • 4 months later...

i met my hubby after meny meny weeks of him stocking me! yes he would follow me in his car or drive past me a dozen times in a day lol.:) till he found out his best friends girl knew me,and we got chatting at long last:)i was a young mummy at 17,but we loved each other so we tied the knot and have been wed now for 14 years and another 4 kids later we are still going strong;)

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That is a great story Wendy! You always hear that people get married because of a baby on the way and it almost never works out for the good. I am soo happy you guys are still going strong! Gives an example to others! That there is true love out there and sometimes it just falls in your lap or in your case follows you lol

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:) we still have our fall outs dont get me wrong:unsure: but hey i guess we just love the making up:kiss: my thought is..if something is good and u love it then dont give up on it just give it your all. or was i thinkig of my bird there?:whistle: lol
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LOL Wendy! We got married a week after my 18th B-Day and still going strong as well after almost 13 years in April and 14 years together! He is still my best friend. And the thing is, we never ever fight about $$. We made that rule when we first got together lol. His words to me were, " I am a man who doesn't have any nor will I probably ever have any in the future, so what you see is what you get." And not to mention the fact that we always saw people arguing about $ and we saw that it still didn't change anything in their lives! Did it grow a money tree out back to fix the problem? Nope! So why fight about it! And honestly I think that has made a world of difference in our lives, we just take what is given to us and what we earn and we could of course be happier if we had some more lol, but we are doing good!


And good thought on your bird lol, others need to have that same thought as well, at least the ones who don't know what they are getting into! and than just give them up. Others things come up and that is understanding, especially when you have no control over it.

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lol joe,ronda477 nice story,we dont fight about ££ either strangly enough,with having 5 kids.

We normaly talk things out,we cant fight,as he starts smiling,or i grin,and its all over with;) our ups and downs over the years are just the silly normal things couples come across over the years of being together.Its nice to hear our kids say when i grow up i want to be as happy as you mummy,That just lets us know we must be doing somthing right somewhere;) :)

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Ok here is one for you. My kids still dont believe this is how we met but....


I was having lunch with my friend in her office where she worked as a Junior admin for a small company. The door swung closed and there was a man, with a coat hanger in his coat hanging up on the door by the coat hanger. Apparently he did this frequently to make my friend laugh when she was on the phone or whatever, but didn't know I was there. Needless to say that man is now my husband of 18 years, we were married when I was 21.


(Do the maths, I am STILL in my 30's! Yeah!)



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  • 1 month later...

In high school I was secretly seeing a guy that was a few years older, in my sister's class, she's 4 years older than me. My parents wouldn't have approved! I went to a soccer game that he was playing in to watch him and I met another guy there who was friends with the people I was there with. He had such a nice smile and he really made me laugh, great sense of humor and he still has it too. I guess I made an impression on him and he saw me at school a few days later and asked me to go to a football game with him. He was only 1 year older and so it was okay with my folks. I went to that football game with him and it was love for me- totally forgot about the older guy and fell head over heels for this one. He broke up with me when he was graduating because he figured he was going off to college and wanted to be free- I still had two years of high school left. Broke my heart and I pined for him for the longest time. Every other guy I dated never seemed to live up to my memories of him. Funny enough, I ran into him again at a friend's party the summer after I graduated from high school and we started up a conversation. The sparks were still there between us. He had to gain back my trust after dumping me the first time but he did it and we've been together ever since. I guess it's been 18 years?? For the longest time people would ask how long we'd been together and we'd say "10 years". Finally we figured out we'd been saying that for several years and we'd been together for 15. I think we were soul mates meant to find each other again. We don't ever argue about anything either and can't imagine why we'd want to. Don't get me wrong- life living with a man is never perfect or easy, but you put up with a lot from a man who's your best friend and meant to be with you!:P

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