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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

After this week, I only have next week for classes and then the following week are finals.


I should be excited that this semester is almost over, but I have like 10 billion papers due within the next week and I'm getting all antsy. I had a 2 page paper due last Friday, another 2 page paper for extra credit, a 10 page research paper due Monday and another 2 page paper on an article due next Friday for one Anthropology class. I have 6 papers, 8 pages each for a second Anthropology class due Tuesday (4 down, 2 more to go). A lab paper for my Sensation and Perception Psychology lab and one for Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology lab. Of course, I cannot forget my 5 page research paper for the research lab I'm in as well due during finals week. I hope I'm not forgetting anything. . .


And yet, here I am typing this. Trying to focus is becoming a bit difficult, especially since I'm starting to fall asleep while trying to do the papers.


Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are these professors thinking?!?!? They KNOW we all procrastinate! D:

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

That 10 page paper is done! I already have a practically completed draft for my paper in Cognitive Neuroscience which is being checked by the professor and I'm about ready to let my partner in Sensation and Perception do all the work for our research paper. He's been getting on my nerves. If he listened to me regarding how the data should be analyzed and how the experiment should have been set up, we would be ahead (eventually he realized I was right)! But of course, it seems like he just wants to take charge. Grrr. . .


Technically 4 more papers to go and 2 weeks left! Glad that 10 pager is done with :D

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

I feel so relieved. Finished a presentation, 2 papers, power point and a test today. 2 papers and 2 final tests to go for next week and then, summer break! I'm so much closer to graduating :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest XxExoticPsychExX

Done! I just turned in my last paper for the semester and all my finals are done with. I am officially on summer break! :D


Now it's time for that "I want to know my final grades NOW!" week.


Thanks everyone for the encouragement!

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

And the grades are in: 4 A's, 1 B and a Satisfactory for my time as a research assistant in the Memory Lab under Dr. Ben Storm. Whoop whoop! :D


I'd like to thank Solomon for keeping me sane throughout this whole ordeal and for being a much needed distraction ;)

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