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Every week it's like Archimedes picks up a new habit


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Just when I think my lil man can't get any weirder... he does. One of his favorite things to do (when he wants to be a lil punk) is either fly to the second story banister or fly ontop of the curtains. Well of course my father hates when he does it, makes quite the scene (of course this eggs Archimedes on more, yes I've told my father to stop) I on the other hand have taken the opposite approach. I'll ask Archimedes if he wants to come, and if he doesn't fly down I'll say, ok, bye bye, and walk to the other end of the house. This usually gets him racing after me...However lately he's adding something to the mix... He doesn't like it when I *abandon* him in the first room and has started making this obnoxious CAHHHCK sound... which honestly I find hilarious... As of now, he'll only do it if he's up high and needs to come down... As of right now the sound doesn't bother me one bit... he's a bird, he comes with noise... And I know he's only making the sound to get attention as in "ohhhh look at me... I'm up here, and I'm not supposed to ohhhhh, hey look, I'm being naughty"


he's my silly boy alright...


we've also started playing the game, "find me" where I'll put him on the banister upstairs, and I'll hide in one of the rooms (behind the door, or wall, or just the middle of the room) he's actually really good at it he'll fly into whatever room I'm in and just kinda hover around until he spots me

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