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Tips on converting to Harrisons?


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Hi all,


Billy had her first trip to the avian vet yesterday. Overall she believes Billy to be a healthy and good natured bird. She did however recommend I put her onto Harrisons foods. Billy, However, isnt very impressed by this and her first bowl ended up getting thrown at me ;S. Just wondering if anyone has any tips who has been through it before? I was wondering about crushing some of the biscuits up and mixing it with something else?


The vet wasnt overly concerned with Billy's feather chewing but suggested I settle her into more of a routine. She also suggested it may be sexual frustration. She only chews on one side of the back of her neck and her back. Ive ordered some Axiv sprays and her sun lamp came yesterday so Im excited about the possible improvements.


Anyway thanks again for all the advice and support on here, it really is a wonderfl site, I hope with time I will be able to help and offer advice aswell.


Sophie :)

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We tried unsuccessfully to switch our Tiel to Harrison's. Wouldn't touch one.

We got samples of different pellets from our vet - I know the companies will send some out as well - and the Tiel immediately started eating Zupreem.


I don't think one is better than another, just what the bird prefers.

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Thanks guys, when we first got her she was a total sun flower junkie so I put her on Johnson and Jeff low sunflower African Grey seed. Tea time I mashed the pellets in with a load of vegetables and pasta. I couldnt watch her or she doesnt eat but I dont think she was fooled. A lot of it got thrown at the dog lol. The vet said her weight was fine and she was healthy enough to 'force' her into the food change but I still cant help but worry. Going to have a go at eating some myself (ummmmmm) and pretend she cant have any see if that works ;D


Thats interesting that the companies will send out samples, didnt know that thanks for that pikachu.

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