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My grey Kiki finally free flight


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These are some really lovely photos, I can tell you love her very much. However I do have a concern about the chain around her foot. It's been discussed on the forum before that it's not the best idea to do that. I don't know if you are holding the other end or not, but either way is dangerous. If the other end of the chain is free, if she flies into a tree, she could get tangled. If you or someone else is holding the other chain, if she gets spooked, she may fly off and the force of her flight may cause her to break her leg. I'm sure she hasn't spooked off yet, but it doesn't mean that she won't at some point in the future. Please don't take it the wrong way and think that I'm bashing you personally, because I'm not, I just want the best for kiki just like you. If you want to continue with outside flight, consider a flight harness. A lot of people including myself enjoy the aviator harness. It has a bungee rope so that if Kiki were to get spooked off she would bounce back, instead of a sudden stop. There's a thread either on this page or the following page about a lot of us discussing the aviator harness.

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