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What's the meaning behind your birds name?


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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

I did not name my CAG as I received him from my boyfriend's parents. They named him Solomon after King Solomon in the Bible.

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We thought Bongo was going to be a boy, and Bongo is cute. Bongo the Congo. I cant change it now that I know she is a girl. I guess it goes either way. Clifford the Sun Conure had his name since his first owners, so I did not change it. Odin is considered a God of poetry and wisdom and my male budgie is pretty smart, I just liked it. Diana the albino Budgie is named after the goddess of the moon, cuz she loooooves to sit by the window in the moonlight :-).

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Ours all came with names except Whisper, that one was my attempt to assign a name that was a little different but special (of course we have another Whisper on the board), she is a big silvery Cameroon type Congo. Smartee TAG very small, came to us named but we added Pants to that so he is now Mr. Smartee Pants. Pookie CAG kept her name and it fits her, Smokey Joe big CAG came with his own name.

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After a lot of time on line and a lot of angst, I have settled on Elegua (eh LEG wa) because it lends itself well to nicknames: Ellie & Ellie-bird. (Even though Elegua is typically a male god, there is also a path of Elegua where the essence is of a woman.)


Elegua is the Lucumi* version of Eshu, who is a spirit of Chaos and Trickery (seems appropriate!). One source said, "Since he is as playful as a child, tops, marbles and kites hold a special fascination for him." Again, appropriate!! The same source described Elegua as being "Like a very large and powerful child". Another source says, "This extravert loves being the center of attention." Since Elegua is a messenger to the higher Gods, of course he has a command of all languages.


(*Lucumi is an Afro-Dominican/Afro-Cuban ethnic group. Many Lucumi claim to be of Yoruba ancestry. The Yoruba are from Southwestern Nigeria, Southern and Central Benin and Central Togo which are within the Timneh's natural range. I picked the Lucumi variant because of the sound and because my wife & I plan to retire to the Dominican Republic, so it seemed extra fitting.)

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  • 2 months later...

Spencer came with his name - I still haven't gotten the story on that, but I keep meaning to ask his original owner. I'm not crazy about the name, but he says is several different ways, so there was never a thought of changing it.

Anya/Anyanka was named after the Buffy the Vampire Slayer character. She acted independent and fierce around strangers/new things, but was a marshmallow and a bit dopey for me.

Moving on to other pets, the cat was a barn kitten who bit me the first time I picked her up so I deemed her 'sadistic,' thus "Sadie." Honestly, though, she more often just goes by "Cat."

Maggie bunny is a rescue who came with the name "Party Time." We deemed that just a BIT too stupid, so renamed her. She's a black and white dutch and we'd just been to Ireland and fell in love with the magpies there, so "Magpie/Maggie" fit. And I've always loved the name 'Maggie.' Should we have another daughter, that shall be her name - one of the rare cases of reuse for us.

Our labs, Sommit's Chocolate Martini (Martini) and Sommit's Vodka Martini (Stoli) (mother and daughter) kind of speak for themselves if you know the language. ;)

Former bunny Harrison, also a rescue, came with his name and he was a big white New Zealand with a silly/dopey little head sway, and the name just seemed to fit.

Former budgie, Nimue's name comes from Arthurian legend and in one version of the tale was the priestess who beguiled Merlin and lead him to his death. That "angry ball of sunshine" lived up to that name. She was one of the most beautiful budgies, if not birds, I've ever seen, but MAN could she bite!


Fun thread. I love it.

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I adopted Misty already named. Although Misty is male most assume he is female but it doesn't seem to bother him any. When I was a boy what seems like an infinitely long time ago, I had a Golden Cocker Spaniel with a pedigree name of "Mistral of Ware" so he was of course called Misty. He was a wonderful dog and I am so pleased to have another wonderful Misty in my life.:D


Steve n Misty

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I really struggled with my babies name. Finally my partner came up with Jake. It is from that State Farm commercial that cracks us both up when ever it comes on and it also happens to be the stage name of the lead singer of my favorite band.

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Before I got Tui I watched a lot of YouTube videos of African Greys, and I caught sight of Andrew's Tui, who sadly flew away back in May 2008 (I believe that is the correct date) I was so upset when I found out what happened to her and watched Andrew's video of her doing free flight training. So in dedication to her, and because I loved the interaction between Tui and Andrew so much, I decided to name my bird Tui.

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Back in 2006 when we brought home our first little parrot, I was shopping for decorating the kitchen in our new home in a coffee theme. My husband and daughters were in the pet store next door JUST to buy dog food. When the wrangling was over we brought home this little bird and put her little cage in the kitchen. I saw a little sign that said "Java house" and I love the Sun Microsystem Java platform from my previous life in computer science. We didn't know her gender at the time and thought Java was a good fit. Then, when I was buying HER toys and treats I discovered the love of my life in a six week old fuzzy CAG chick. My husband had agreed to take me for a lifelong dream to go on a cruise to Alaska. When I met the little guy, I was ready to turn in the promise and trade the trip for my boy, so I called him Juno. We thought if we were not going to see the city Juneau, our Juno would be an everyday adventure. It was the best trade in my life even though that had a sad ending when Juno passed away from PDD only seven weeks after he came home. We couldn't bear to leave his brother behind and his breeder was still calling him by the breeder number protocol so they wouldn't get too attached. We brought that little guy home and went back to the coffee theme and called him Kopi which is Indonesian for coffee. Then when we saw the bucket list we planned to call him Kopi Luwak for if he got into mischief. We enjoyed his sweet little self until he was taken by PDD before he reached he reached eighteen months. Then, a forum member with a serious health issue got together with me to get Gilbert. He already had a name and he knows it, so I didn't change it. But when he is really sweet, I give him a coffee name too. I call him Gilbert Machiatto Grande after my favorite treat.

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There must have been a problem with that breeder. When you adopted Kopi did you realise there was a good chance he would also have PDD? I assume you informed the breeder? Your story is so sad but at least Juno and Kopi had a loving home before they succumbed.


Steve n Misty

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I originally wanted to give our birds African names, and then for awhile I was dead set on Hunin and Munin, after Odin's ravens. But nothing we picked really felt right.


Then we actually met our birds. Seraph got her name because she was (and still is) a little "Angel", so we decided to name her "Seraph" after God's angelic host, the Seraphim. It has proven a most apt name as she is truly the sweetest bird we've ever met and when we lost her and got her back in such miraculous fashion, there was no doubt in our minds that she must have some angels on her side as well!


Gryphon on the other hand... ;) Gryph looks just like his dad, a huge Grey named Mustafa. When we first met Mustafa, he came out of his nest like a lion, with his head feathers all fluffed up in a huge mane, ready to chomp on us for daring to invade his privacy. He was so intimidating and looked for all the world like a grey lion-bird. Mustafa's size and mane effect are something Gryph inherited, his bearing is as regal and reserved as a king, and he also has a very wild, fierce spirit at times just like his dad. Hence, he became Gryphon, after the mythological half-lion, half-eagle creature :)

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Sondheim is named after Stephen Sondheim (Broadway composer), Burt came with his name, Mollie....well, it's a cute name, and Victor was named after a cheetah I worked with.


Howard and Richard (the dogs). Well, that's a good one! Sondheim likes to look at pictures in books. He says "Pith-ture!" and it sounds a lot like Richard. My ex-roommate had a macaw that tried to say "How are you?" and it came out "Howard." I joked that if I ever got dogs, they already had names. And I did. :)

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Egan is an Irish name that means little fire or fiery one. The name was chosen because the breeder pair that produced him are named Emily and Logan. So I combined the two names to come up with Egan. He definitely is a little ball of fire!

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