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Human Toys For Your Parrot?


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I'm curious as to what other parrot owners think about using children's toys for your parrot, given that you always supervise them and only use clean toys, etc.


I'm asking as eventually I would like to teach my parrots certain tricks with props, and was wondering if anyone else does this too.


Thanks in advance!

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Guest briansmum

yes baby toy's and toddler toys can make good toys for parrots as they are durable while being brightly coloured and sometimes educational. be sure to give them a good bash and pull before hand to make sure nothing will come off easy and supervise while playing. but the ones with the blocks you have to ut in holes would be great and far cheaper than they're parrot equivalent

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I agree with xxbeccyxx. Most baby toys are extremely hard. Most parrots can't break them. They're made so that babies can put them in their mouth. TOYS R US has a good selection..all colors, sizes, shapes. No Barbie or Ken dolls though. They're too explicit and might give birds ideas.

Dave<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/09/24 01:44

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I just spent 24 dollars on a wiffle ball with rope and paper wrapped wooden blocks attached to it..the girls loved shredding the paper and ripping the wood to shreds...after about 3 days all of the paper was torn to shreds, even though they are still working on the rope and wood...I feel like I got ripped off, I could have made the same thing for 5 bucks, but at least the girls are enjoying it...

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Yes, I've purchased baby toys for Klaus (I've even given him cat toys: One of his favorites is a little plastic ball with a bell in it; it's a cat toy). I'm upset though, I just picked up a new baby's teething ring (it's lots of colored beads just strung on rope). When I opened the package it reeked of baby powder. Why? What are they thinking? I have to hide it because Klaus loves the looks of it, but I don't want him to have anything that heavily scented. I wouldn't even give that to a baby. All that artificial fragrance can't be good...

Oooh, also I've given him one of my son's Lincoln Logs. It's worn down to almost nothing, so it's safe to assume Klaus enjoyed it. Luckily I have tons of Lincoln Logs!

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Lincoln logs are very heavily treated with chemicals. I would be concerned giving my bird something with those kinds of stains etc... same reason you kept the artificial fragrance away. Unfortunatley, I have tasted a lincoln log, and they definitley leave a distinct flavor.

side note: did anyone else put tissue paper on your tongue to feel it tingle? :laugh: Talk about unhealthy chemicals. Hahaha.

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Guest briansmum

what is a lincoln log


and you could try giving the teething ring a big wash, soak it in some lightly soaped water for a while, then scrub it and then soak it in fresh water to make sure theres no soap left, then scub and rinse.

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I'm all about ebay! You can even find Parrot toys for 99 cents sometimes...and if you find a bunch from the same seller you like they combine shipping. I have gotten my grey baby keys and things like that and he has yet to break them


I use the same cat toys, laurie...he seems to like them more than anything else I put in there with him.

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kiwibarb12 wrote:

oh,oh don't shop at the kids store - go to ebay and put in baby rattles. I bought 20 for $17 - used, which is way cheaper than buying new. lots of soap and water and they are fine.


Great tip, i do the same here,i sterilize them & spray them with F10, a great way to get cheap toys ;)

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Wow I didn't know Lincoln Logs had chemicals!

I won't give Klaus any more then.

Beccy, Lincoln Logs are little wooden "logs" cut to shape so that kids can build stuff out of them.

Also, thanks for the tip about washing the teething ring. It only cost $2 so I'm not opposed to throwing it out. But Klaus was interested in it when I took it out of the package, so I've just left it in another room hoping the scent will wear off. I think I'll try washing it to speed things up!

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Talking about the lincoln logs, my grandkids are playing with my son's lincoln logs that he left behind when he moved out, they are enjoying them immensely.


Thats a good tip about looking for toys on ebay and with a little soap and water they are fine for our greys if you can find a bargain on them.

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Guest briansmum

just while we're on the cheap toy thing, i mentioned this once ages ago but i'll say it again. if your grey likes the parrot pinatas you'll know how expensive they are. you can make one with an old toilet paper tube and some tissue paper, kitchen paper towels etc. put the treats in the tube and twist the paper round like a christmas cracker. i use a bit of rope then to tie around the middle and sometimes tie a few together. and if i let brian see me make them so he see's what goes inside he can't wait!

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  • 5 months later...

how true,i bought bernie a toy from our local pet store,cost me a lot of cash,and he had it down and destroid within the day!

Makes me laugh,i buy Bernie parrot toys and there expensive,he has it done before the weeks out, then i buy my wee boy a new game and he does the same!

i give my boy hard time 2,telling him that was dear to buy these things, lol he says mummy you dont tell Bernie off!! :P after reading on here i went up the loft and brought down a pile of my childrens toys,bernie loves them,and the kids love to play with them and bernie. so bernie happy and the kids,and i got some extra cash.lol

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