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How do you play with your grey?


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I am not stopping him from it! He wants to tap on his head, okay! Lol Wasn't sure if it was aggresstion toward the items or like an invite to play.

Good thing thoses balls came in a 12 pack, 1 down already. Lol


Have you tried weaving strips of rawhide through the holes? If he doesn't freak out and dismantles it you can run the strips through the holes, string some beads with knots and tie it off on the other end... kind of like making it spikey.

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Murfchick, It sure helped my guy, Jimpster (a quaker), who didn't know how to play, to see our Amazon and Grey play so joyfully. I bet Stewart will get better with time. If it helps you here are some ideas. Our Amazon likes little boxes and large whiffle balls with bells inside. He spends hours trying to get the bell out, or getting the box shredded. I put nuts wrapped in paper in the boxes. He also loves shredding corks. Brutus likes to hang upside down and play with his bells. He also likes to remove and throw little foot toys out of a bucket. We also play with a little ball that I roll towards his feet which he grabs and throws. They both like to destroy soft wood and reed-type toys.

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I have tried the wrapping nut thing. It sat there for a while, then Oliver spotted it and took it. Lol I weaved his paper thru the holes, he ignores it. He did reach for his wooden toy yesterday, smacked it with his beak so we will see where that leads. So far, he isn't a fan of bells either. He will bounce up and down if i ring it but as far as him playing with it, nope, it scares him. I am going slow and easy, it only took 4 months to find something he really likes and is willing to fly down to get if he drops it. That whiffle ball came from a post on here so please keep the ideas coming! We are making progress! Thank you all!

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I filled his make shift bath tub with toys for him during the day( rabbit litter box )... His half chewed cup, 2 whiffle balls, his bell, his tennis shoe foot toy, his crock shoe foot toy, some wooden blocks, some acrylic block toys, raw hide bone and his oj lid. Today was their first "full" day in the cages while i went to work. When i got home, the toy box was empty except for the bell, everything else was on the bottem of the cage. I just hope he played with them before they hit bottom! He was no worse for wear today, actually more loving, for the first 5 minutes anyway! Lol

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I am such a proud mama! They boys did do great this week! Stewarts whiffle balls are all chewed up! Who woulda thought i would be excited to see destruction! Lol

Got my first paycheck in 9 months... Guess where i am going today? Yup, to my bird store! Time to do some shopping! Lol

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Wow, yesterday i put shredder boxes in his cage along with everything else he has and by the time i got home the box was in tiny pieces. He has had that box for over a month. Seems he has decided its time to play! I feel so much better now while i am out during the day that he isn't bored.

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Try wrapping a small treat like a Pine nut in a Spinach leaf and place into a small empty cardboard box with a crumpled coffee filter as he watches, then place into cage. Pookie and Joe both love a game of tug of war with some cotton rope or my shirt or hair or the cage cover.

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Here's an idea for easy foraging fun! Take some low sodium peanut butter and a dixie cup. smear the inside of the cup lightly with peanut butter and then take small seed and sprinkle it on the inside of the cup so that it sticks to the peanut butter...Then crumble up the cup and put it in cage and watch the fun begin!

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Destruction... is Sophie's number one choice of toy. Shred it, destroy it... then move onto mom's purse.( wokeup to my new purses's handle, in two pieces!) Thanks Sophie!

As I have said in the past, Sophie loves us for different reasons. Ryan, my son, home from college. He plays the guitar, sings to her and teaches her rap music. ( CLEAN songs only!) She started rapping the moment he walked in the door! LOL She loves Sean for the game of tag, you're it! She LOVES his toes. She will nibble and run and hide. It is too cute! She will hide in plain site, with her head down, butt in the air. He pretends he can't find her. Once he does... he tags her says " you're it!" He runs. She chases him! It is sooo addorable... I LOVE it! Sean doesn't always want to play tag. He may wear Crocs. ( holes in the shoe!) She will work around that, put her beak in the hole, and tag him. ( he has too play, because she tagged his skin!) Nancy

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