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Hi a have adopted an african grey parrot.

after bringing it home today morning i came to know dat it has loose motions. also it has not eaten a thing since morning.its a very young parrot. its eves are completely black and its toes are dark brown in color.its very friendly. but it does not eat any thing. i tried feeding it sunflower seeds,melon,carrot,peanuts...no use.

pls help me...!

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Hello fils,


How old is this Grey? Is it over 12 to 16 weeks old?


It almost sounds as if it is not weaned yet and may require hand feeding with Formula.


I am not certain what you mean by loose motions? To you mean it has stopped moving or is just clumsy?

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Sorry about your problem. I doubt that you'll get specific info applying to your bird on any board that can't actually see the problem. Your bird's problem should immediately be checked out by a vet. Time is of the utmost right now. You didn't mention the age. You didn't mention whether the bird was fully weaned when you got him. It might be a good idea to find out what it's previous diet was. It might be intestional. It might be a bad case of diarhhea which could cause loose bowel movement.


What you do have in your favor is the fact that you just brought the bird home. many new birds won't eat when they arrive until they feel comfortable which might take a few days. Food really isn't as important right now. Water is.


A loose bowel movement can be caused by nervousness and being in a strange place with strange surroundings and new people.

Another thing you have in your favor is that the bird is friendly and outgoing. Intestional or diarhhea problems usually can be seen because the bird goes into a corner and fluffs up and sleeps alot. Even people won't eat and will stay quiet and moody when they're feeling under the weather.


Even though I've seen this often, if you are a new bird owner with no previous experience, it's best to go to an avian vet to make yourself feel better. I could say that it isn't important but I DO know you need peace of mind. Go to the vet. Make friends with the vet so that he/she will have a record of your bird


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Yes, all excellent Advice. We really need more information before we can help you. How old is your bird? What has his diet been? Is he weaned, and are you certain of that? Have you seen him before you adopted him? Does he make any sounds? Is he drinking water? Do you have a scale to weigh him with?

Have you made an appt. with an avian vet to have him checked out, if not do it asap! They can drop weight very quickly, and do hide illness very well. He should be seen by a vet until he starts eating.

Please keep us posted, we care about you and your bird and eant things to go smoothly for the both of you.:)

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m sorry for the info...

he's 350g in weight...

its actlly like a story the way i got him.his previous owenr was pretty mean to him and didnot hae a lot of interaction i got him frm this store where he was simply kept in one corner.i cudnt see it. i have had cockatiels earlier but dey are far smaller and different birds dan greys.if by waened u mean his fathers .yes he's completely weaned accept for his neck area where the feather densit is less.his eyes are dark brown and so are his toes.the shop owner told me he's a very young bird.he did drink a lot of water.but has not eaten any thing. his previous diet was sunflower seeds and applle like fruits. i don noe his exact age.his poop is very watery.

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Yes, he sounds very young, but it also sounds like he is still very unsettled in his new enviroment. I'm sure he's very scared, not knowing that this is his new home. Just offer him the same foods he is used to, and watch him carefully. Talk to him a lot in a soothing voice, and he should come around once he feels comfortable. That can take a while at first. Definitely keep an eye on his weight, he will drop some, but his appetite should pick up soon. Please keep us posted. You did a very wonderful thing in taking him home. I'm sure you'll give him all the love and care he needs! :)

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All good advice here. My concern would be the age and weaning status. By the way fils, "weaned" means the bird is off formula feedings and able to eat on its own. In the wild it means that the bird is no longer directly dependent on the parents feeding the baby through regurgitation. In greys this usully happens somewhere between 10 and 20 weeks of age. Hand raised birds are usually syringe fed through the weaning process with a formula. The bird must be weaned before it will be able to eat other things. Please keep us posted on the status.

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so how do i know if its weaning process is over..?1 thing is for sure that the shop i got it from din tell me abt it..n infact told me he ate sunflwr seeds.

n if he's scared ...he does come on my hand n sits lets me pat it...in factm sure he enjoys it..bcoz he bows down wen i pat him.i think he is a hand raised bird in fact m quite sure abt it. bcoz where i live.(middle east) doha-qatar. importing birds has stopped 2 yrs ago

(bird flu).

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1 more probz. i searched not all pet stores but a couple n did not find pellet food.n since my grey is young i want to get him on a proper diet at the rite time. ofcurce slowly after thsi problem get solved. can u give me an allternative to pllet food...

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Fils. You have to take him to a BIRD VET TOMORROW WITH OUT FAIL, if you want to know for sure. It will be the BEST money you could spend. He's your young baby, and has to be treated like an Infant child He is in YOUR hands and NEED YOU TO HELP HIM. Please, Please take him to a bird vet’


Love him, he will always LOVE you unconditionally with proper care and love.




ONE thing, please write with full words. I don't understand that short hand.<br><br>Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/09/24 05:21

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ill take him to a vet. i donno but has any 1 of u had a grey of this age. mine is very dormant. i mean he does not move a lot.i have not heard a single voice out of him. apart from littile sqeeks if he sees a mirror..is that normal.dere is some good news.his poop has got better. i mean it is less liquid frm before. its some solid green material excreation.

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Your grey is soooooooooo scared you can't believe it. His short life has been in disarray and needs some stability. Birds by nature don’t trust us, and in his case he has all the right to be. You MUST move slowly with him. His needs right now are food, somewhat left alone, place to get lots of undisturbed sleep in a dark area, and soft words of kindness from you. The word SLOW is most important thing you must learn.

Start doing a lot of research on line about the do’s you need to do. Here is a good start for you.







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hey guys..

i just got him from the vet. here we dont have any avian vet. but dere are vets in general.she gave him some antibiotic. i came home and fed him a dilute mix of peanuts,sunflower seeds ,honey and water.i din FORCE feed him. but jus tried and manged to pour it in his beak. he did seem to flicker his tounge and guess he did eat it as he dint get any thing out.the vet told me that he needs to eat. as his chest are is very boney.its not visible but wen u feel it its boney.i dono if its suppose be this way.

guys any more suggestions weill be really appreciated.

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hi guys...

m gettin kinda worried...! since the time i have got him he tends to lean to the surface he's pershing on. say if he's sitting on my finger he'l lean to it so his cheast is touching my hand too.while seatind on the persh his wings are a bit open..and i can see him breatihng far.i mixed some honey and a drop of the antibiotic in his water bowl..i did see him drink it twice.

i dono wat to do...m totally confused!

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I am so sorry to hear of these problems. Where are you located? What part of the world?? It sounds to me like this may be a very young bird. Can you get a syringe and try to feed him any solution?? Does he act like he's wanting to feed, like head bobbing motions and him grabbing on your fingers with his beak or anything? This sounds urgent to me...

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Im with dblhelix , This does sound a very urgent situation.

if you can get a syringe & some hand formula you need to insert the syringe into the beak and apply a little pressure which releases the food.


If not try the spoon method, bend the sides up to form a trough. You can control the flow of the formula quite easily, feed with the spoon in almost a horizontal position.


It is very dangerous to put food into the mouth of a baby who has no feeding response, During a feeding response or pumping, the opening to the trachea is closed and it is safe to feed so long as the baby is swallowing.With some other species, like the Grey, very gently pushing the spoon in the mouth so that the formula is delivered at the back of the mouth will elicit a feeding response.


Please seek further advice if you are not confident with attempting these methods.

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hey guys..

my grey is in very bad condition. i took it to vet again. i baught some milk powder without cow milk but with soya milk.over dere it drank some of the milk. after coming home also he drank abt double the amt he drank dere. but he's very weak. he cant even sit ..rite now his head is on the floor of his stand and is almost lying down.i can see him breathe but donno wats going to happen.

god forbid...i don think he's got a lot of time.

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If I were you Fils, I would travel as far as I had to to find an avian vet or someone who knows about birds for the best care you can find. Just any kind of vet won't do, I don't care if you have to travel all day to get there, it is imperative that you find some help for this bird and NOW, I can't stress this enough. The grey needs help and needs it NOW, do what you have to, but get the proper help or you will lose this bird, I know it and it breaks my heart to think that this will happen. Move heaven and earth but get that help. I will keep you and this bird in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us informed for I worry about this situation.

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Fils - so sorry about this. Do what you can with the means you have available. Some things are beyond our control for a variety of reasons. Just do the best you can and be strong in knowing you did so. If the inevitable is already set in motion, give the little one as much comfort as you can to help him on his way to another place.


My thoughts are with you and the little one.




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thanku for all that.but he's no more.Judygram i live in doha qatar.this i smal country and belive me in the whole country dere are only 4 vets. n i have spoken to all.i went to the best i knew.the vet told me that he was in very weak condition.and i am goin to sue the pet shop. he's in deep trouble.its not the money its not the time.its his life....guys thanku for all the support u guys have given.its was gr8 nowing u. and all that u knew.


love u all guys.


thanx a million.

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Fils, I am so sorry to hear this, but I expected it from your previous post right before mine, and Mark gave you some good advice as far as it being inevitable to just make it as easy for him as possible.


I sit here typing with tears rolling down my cheeks, but you did all you could, he was already far too gone to bring back, but he knows you loved him, so don't blame yourself.


Talk to someone knowledgeable before you go ahead on suing the pet shop, they may be at fault but it is not going to bring your grey back, just don't do any business with them anymore.


If we can be of any further help to you, just let us know, but do know we do care and our hearts are breaking for you too.

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It really sounds to me like you were sold an unweaned very young bird. It is possible the bird had an illness, but from what you described I think its more likely you had a very young animal.


So sorry for your loss. Hopefully this can be a lesson to all on the necessity to ensure that birds are properly weaned before purchase. This should inlude more than a sellers verbal assurance, but a physical observation/verification of the fact.


All the best to you fils and the little one that was in your life for so short a time. This was not your fault.

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From everything you wrote it does sound like you had a very, very young bird...I'm guessing 9-10 weeks if he was not yet fully feathered in the neck. There is no way he would have been weaned at that point in his life. I would definatly take some kind of action against the pet store, and get the word out to as many people as you can to let them know what this pet store is selling to people.


Don't blame yourself, you did your best, and your baby got to be loved and cared for in his last hours...thats more than anyone else gave to him.

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