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The Opportunity - Advice Needed


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Hi. My name is Jenny and Im new here. I have experience with all kinds of smaller birds. I currently raise and handfeed cockatiels and parakeets. I love birds!


I have the opportunity to take on a pair of proven breeding greys. I really want to do this but I want to do it right and my research isn't turning up a lot of information on breeding Greys. So I thought I would come here to 'ask the experts'. The birds I may take on are not 'pets' and I was told that pets do not breed well. Is this true? I also read that Greys are very private and will only breed if they are left completely alone and not interracted with. I have yet to get the birds and I am trying to figure out how and where to do this. Do they need an indoor space or an outdoor aviary. I live in North Carolina so our Spring, Summer, and most of our Fall are fine for an outdoor aviary. I would rather have them in the house with me but I have kids that will not leave them alone if inside... Sorry, I am rambling.


Can I get some tips on what I need to know about breeding Greys that are specific to Greys and not on breeding birds in general? Thanks!!!


On a side note: I am not an immature breeder. I believe in doing things the right way. I breed dogs (Yorkies, Chihuahuas, and Chorkies) and birds (Cockatiels, Parakeets). All my animals receive top of the line care and food and are properly vet checked and immunized. And I spend a lot of time researching before I make a final decision. NO decisions have been made yet - this forum is part of my research. Thanks for your time and your honesty!!!

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Pet greys do not make breeders and vice versa so please do your research thoroughly before undertaking this direction, they do indeed need their privacy to breed and the less interaction from human caregivers the better. If you are leaning towards having a grey to interact with then maybe you should look into finding a reputable breeder or taking in a rescue that needs a new home, there are plenty of birds including greys out there that need new homes.

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Hi, Greetings, Each time a person takes on the task of breeding a new specie of bird, we are defiantly "Immature", What works for one kind of bird doesn't necessary work for another, from breeder box to amount of protein in their diet. The Grey Forum is geared to being a community of Grey Parronts, from single family to multiple family. For commercial breeding, I don't know how much help we can give you, sorry. Post your questions and hopefully you'll receive useful answer. My personal opinion is not to purchase a breeding pair of Greys, this is my opinion and my opinion alone, not of the forum.. Thanks..Jayd

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Well, I certainly don't know anything beyond the basic info when it comes to breeding greys, but I applaud your attitude towards research. I think we should encourage someone who wants to be a responsible breeder, because when it comes to bringing our babies home we want them to come from caring informed breeders. Maybe you could PM Dave007 and see if he can guide you in the right direction.

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Hi. My name is Jenny and Im new here. I have experience with all kinds of smaller birds. I currently raise and handfeed cockatiels and parakeets. I love birds!


I have the opportunity to take on a pair of proven breeding greys. I really want to do this but I want to do it right and my research isn't turning up a lot of information on breeding Greys. So I thought I would come here to 'ask the experts'. The birds I may take on are not 'pets' and I was told that pets do not breed well. Is this true? I also read that Greys are very private and will only breed if they are left completely alone and not interracted with. I have yet to get the birds and I am trying to figure out how and where to do this. Do they need an indoor space or an outdoor aviary. I live in North Carolina so our Spring, Summer, and most of our Fall are fine for an outdoor aviary. I would rather have them in the house with me but I have kids that will not leave them alone if inside... Sorry, I am rambling.


Can I get some tips on what I need to know about breeding Greys that are specific to Greys and not on breeding birds in general? Thanks!!!


On a side note: I am not an immature breeder. I believe in doing things the right way. I breed dogs (Yorkies, Chihuahuas, and Chorkies) and birds (Cockatiels, Parakeets). All my animals receive top of the line care and food and are properly vet checked and immunized. And I spend a lot of time researching before I make a final decision. NO decisions have been made yet - this forum is part of my research. Thanks for your time and your honesty!!!



I was told that pets do not breed well. Is this true?

Very true


I also read that Greys are very private and will only breed if they are left completely alone and not interracted with.

Very true


Do they need an indoor space or an outdoor aviary.

Indoor aviary in a very private area. Outdoor aviary if a person wants to let the birds loose. Breeding won't take place.


I would rather have them in the house with me but I have kids that will not leave them alone if inside.

They need total privacy and if there's the slightest chance that the children get close enough, they'll seriously bite and breeding won't take place. Breeding greys don't like children. Some pet greys don't like children. Actually, that sometimes applies to the owners of the breeders. Breeders are only bonded to each other. They have minimum tolerance of people. This type of grey breeder birds lifestyle must be the same throughout the whole year, not just breeding time. Remember, they're definitely not pets and won't tolerate being separated.


Can I get some tips on what I need to know about breeding Greys that are specific to Greys and not on breeding birds in general? Thanks!!!

There's a load of information needed about breeding greys. Lots of reading---lots of money---lots of special equipment--learning about special foods--knowing different methods of feeding chicks---having quick access to a qualified avian vet----knowledge of the personalities of a pair of breeders----having special living quarters in the house with the proper humidity and temperature.

Bird boards such as this one don't offer up information concerning breeding because there's very few breeders here. It's not something that's normally done online between people who don't know each other.

Does experience in breeding tiels and budgies give a person enough knowledge to deal with greys? Not even close. Tiels and budgies can breed with people close by.


Stay with a pet grey. Reading through posts here will tell you how much there's to know concerning pet greys. There's loads of info here that applies to the novice grey owner.


Thanks for your time and your honesty!!!


We're only interested in the welfare of the birds.

Edited by Dave007
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