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Sun through glass and punishment for biting


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Hello all

So I know all birds needs sun for Vitamin D. I know that most windows block the uvb but I am wondering by how much. When lucky sits on her perch in the sun is she not getting anything from it health wise at all or just not as much as she "could be". I ask because I have gotten sun burned through glass windows, and have sunglasses that state does not block UV rays ( or something similar) The windows in my house are very old. The storm windows and window panes are real glass not the new plastic stuff.

I also wonder how much screens block out? When the window is open and the screens are down the sun still pours in. I assume its much stronger through the screen?

Also today was the first time I gave Lucky a bath since her coming home from the hospital. I was afraid to stress her out too much and wanted to wait until she was near 100% again. I used a spray bottle and lightly misted her , lifted her wings and got underneath. She wasn't having it so I did the full spray under the wing up close and got her chest legs etc. She had enough and started to get a little nippy. I let her nip me a few times as it didn't hurt and I wanted to finish and get her soaked good as she is a plucker, but the fifth time she got me a little hard. Hard enough to break the skin if she went just a bit harder. I was kind of shocked and stopped and said no and left her cage. She never bites so I was more taken back and felt bad. What do I do when she does this?

Thanks guys

Here are some pics of her soaking up some sun after her soaking. Looks like I need to clean my windows again!




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Windows block the good stuff. They need to go outside. Also, I wouldn't force bathing. She is telling you she wants you to stop when she bites. She should be respected, or anytime you make her do what she doesn't want to do, she will be quick to bite, and even harder because it works to get you to stop. You have to be clever and get her to do things where biting is not an option. My guy has never like baths. He thinks water is poisonous. So now when I roll his cage outside, I also grab the hose and shower him in his cage. He doesn't like it but biting is not an option, so it is not in his reaction pattern. Biting can become a habit and you do not want that.

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Ok so no offense to anyone here please :) My questions were exactly how much does a glass window pane block. And if she benefiting from the sun she gets in the window at all. After doing some research glass window panes do block most if not all of UVB but they do not block UVA. Now they need uvb for the vitamin d/ Calcium thing but I just also read that they need UVA as well. I also read but not sure how true this one is that after 15 years they don't block as much uvb, however I can't find any other site to back that up. The following is from a bird site.

" While people can’t see UVA rays, birds can. UVA lighting helps birds identify ripe foods and even their own mates and other familiar birds. Because UVA rays aren’t blocked by glass, natural light through a window is a good way to provide the necessary UVA rays; however, UVB rays are blocked, so this is not a way for birds to get beneficial UVB rays."

So she is benefiting after all but this won't make up for UVB she needs. At least now I can know she is enjoying it and its useful for her.

Now I just need to research about how much a screen filters out.


As for the bathing, I know how to bath her, I have already read the links here. I cannot shower her outside, 1 It isn't an option at the moment, and 2, that won't get under her wings where she likes to pluck as well. If I do not soak under her wings she plucks more. I am looking into the Aloe Vera juice for her. I did stop after she nipped me as I didn't want to keep upsetting her but this needs to be done. I will just have to do it gradually I suppose.

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