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Help! My 5th grader needs help with an idea for a science project!

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I am hoping that some of you with much more imagination than I can help my daughter think of a "bird related" science project idea. She really wants to do something relating to birds however we are having a hard time thinking of something. I thought it might be fun to post it on here and see if anyone could come up with a winning idea! The rules are that the project must answer a question. Example: Does light effect the way a plant grows? (I know that is pretty easy, but it is the example the school gave)

We own a young CAG and a rescue lilac crown amazon (she is very hormonal right now so she would be very uncooporative! LOL) My daughter is also waiting for her own baby lutino cockateil to come home once he is weaned. We have had him dna'd and he is in fact a he! She has named him Orville (from the Wright Brothers) It will be another 2 weeks or so before he will be home.

I would be so appreciative of any suggestions you might have, I am stumped!!

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How about "can you identify the gender of a parrot at a glance?" She could explain how some parrots are dimorphic (is that the right word?) like our red bellied parrot. The females are green and gray with a blush tinge while the males have brightly colored reddish orange chest feathers. Or "how long do parrots care for their young?" Then she could study the birds you have now and how they would be cared for in the wild and compare the CAG, TAG etc. I love that she wants to include her flock, regardless of the project idea she will learn more about parrots and share her family.

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what about something simple like *do birds have a color preference?* take 5 equally sized cups in different colors and fill each of them with 10 pellets over a 2 week (time can be adjusted) period... does the grey go for the same cup every time (rotate cups too btw)




*how long does it take for a bird to master a trick* the task is for the bird to turn around when using a cue of waving left index finger, or another simple trick....

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

You could also do something regarding beaks. As in, does a bird's beak shape and size determine what it can/cannot eat? It could become a simple and easy research project and it's a topic not many people quickly realize or pay attention to even if they own birds. :)

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oh thought of another one relating to the cups... can greys be trained to eat out of a certain cup... set up the colored cups but only put food in 1 cup (orange for example) every day switch the positions, but keep only putting the food in the orange cup, until he automatically goes for that cup... the day after, put it in a green cup... and see whether he goes after the food or after the orange cup


best part about this... both birds have to eat so you could use both birds... and she can compare on who *got it* first...

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Oh my goodness snoepgoed! My daughter Lili wants me to say a big Thank you!!!! She loves the idea with the different colored cups. She is deciding between seeing if they have a preference or if they can be trained to eat out of a certain color! I love this forum, everyone was so great giving suggestions! Thank you! She has indeed decided to go with snoepgoed! We will let you know what her grade ends up being! You all rock on this forum!

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aww thank you!! that means a lot! She can do both... split it up in 2 parts... have her observe for the first week to see if there is a color preference, and then do the color training the second and third week... and PLEASE!!! update... I almost wanna try to do the experiment myself!

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