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Helllooooh! Where's my breakfast?


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So funny. The other morning as I was cutting up fruits and veggies, Pancho just starts getting all kinds of attitude and says really loudly and indignantly, "Helllooo-oh" Like where is my breakfast? You know in that movie Back to the Future when the guy says, "hellooo, Mcfly?!" Pancho sounded like that. Even though Pancho could see me working he kept saying it. He has never done that before, I guess he was really hungry.:o

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Dj is now screaming when he wants food, but i am not encouraging that at all. I want him to ask for food the nice way, not that his cage has none! There are 2 bowls of water and 3 filled with different food. I am following Dave's advice on stopping screaming and it's now becoming less and less. I wish that he only says Helloooooo like your Pancho, maybe he will one day. That's really cool :)

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