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Is my African Grey fine?


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Still sound like a calcium lack of to me as well, will not harm him to offer dark leafy greens maybe an Almond or two, some Tuna or Salmon or chicken bones are safe too.


Yes, I am offering him some of those things. Can you give me examples of dark leafy greens? My parrot does not like to eat them so maybe if I tired other leafy greens he might eat them.

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I am getting confused. Rhinolith is defined as stones in the nose and they should be removed. What was the shot for? I mean, i understand antibiotics need to be given, but if he gave him a shot in his leg, why did he keep him for 5 days? Even oral antibiotics take longer than 5 days and that is something most do at home so what was the point? If he is laying sideways on a perch, its way more than a nose stone that effects respitory, i don't recall reading anywhere that he had labored breathing or a runny nose. It does say that Rhinolith is caused by malnutrition and poor air quality. I am going to go out on a limb here and say this, i know you said he was only on seeds and you are changing that, yeah!, but keeping his area clean and good clean air is also a must, so no smoking anywhere near him or within your house please. And if you do smoke, not saying you do, wash your hands before handling him! :-)

Dark greens can be from beets, broccolie, which i can't spell, those types of things. Check out the thread on recepies for our greys, they have good mixtures that hide the good stuff most birds won't eat by mixing it in stuff they love! Good luck!

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The important thing here is that he was doing the leaning before he got the shots so it couldn't be a side effect of that, I hope you made the vets aware of that fact.

Leafy greens include kale, mustard greens, swiss chard, dandelion greens, collards, carrot tops, bok choy along with beet tops, turnip tops but not much spinach, romaine lettuce is also good.

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A vet cannot rule out or say it is not a calcium problem with out taking blood and checking the levels. Even if the blood levels says its in normal range it can still be a problem ( as calcium levels can be tricky) which is why my Grey is on a calcium supplement as a precautionary. Her levels came back normal and we are still treating her with a low dose just in case. If your bird has been eating nothing but Sunflower seeds for years I wouldn't doubt if she was having bone and and muscle problems, and possibly MBD. I would follow the advise above. If you can't find another avian vet around follow your gut and take the advise of the experienced here. You have to be tricky and find ways to sneak the things your bird won't eat into something he/she will. When I had a hard time getting a past rescued Cockatoo to eat pellets and good food I would smash Harrisons Adult regular and pepper pellets and grind them up, mix them with some natural almond butter into balls and gradually add more bigger crumbles to the pellets and slowly weaned out the almond butter. I would also take Kale and other greens and put them in a chopper and cover cooked pasta with the greens and get my birds to eat them that way. Be creative and try your hardest to get the good foods into your bird!

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