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Funny story.

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My parrot sleeps in my room with me.


I usually have a smaller sleepytime cage on the dresser that he dozes off in at night. This is the usual show, nothing out of the norm here.



Except last night. I wake up around 3 am, and I feel something climbing on my head, I jump up and hearing surprised parrot noises, immediately calm down and coax the poor guy off the cover and into my hands.


the look he gave me was kinda funny. I put him back in his wingabago, same towel set up as usual and went back to sleep.


That'll be the last time I forget to lock his cage.



Guuuddd, imagine if I had rolled over onto him :x

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My late cockatiel, Zippy, used to fly into my bedroom at sunrise and walk around my pillow. There was no risk of rolling over on him as he would be wolf-whistling at the top of his tiny lungs...


Kelleigh wasn't amused by my feathered alarm clock...

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