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Is moving okay?


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Not quite sure how to start this, as I've never posted anything before...

But, I've been thinking a lot about moving out of the place I'm in now with my Congo, Bandit. The environment isn't the healthiest for him I feel (Constant cigaret smoke in close proximity, kept in a messy room, LOADS of cats and the occasional loud arguments and loud outside noises, can't get a constant amount of time to sleep. Main issue being the smoke and the sleep.) He's still young only being 16 months old, and I want to bring him into a safer place. I was thinking about maybe just going away for a week with him and see how he reacts. But, I'm not sure if that's even a good thing to do, as I've read a lot about them getting territorial and not liking new places or new arrangements. Basically, I'm a worried mom and want to protect him and take him into a safer and cleaner environment. I can't even walk him around the house with out worrying about a cat going after him (they've tried). If anyone has any suggestions or opinions, I'm open to them. I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing and what's best for him.

Thanks you!

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The risk of STAYING is much higher than the stress of moving. (Please get him away from the cigarette smoke as soon as possible!)


Many people on this forum have rehomed greys from very difficult situations and the birds have become loving parts of their families. If your grey loves and trusts you, then moving may make him a little nervous at first, but it won't be that bad. Just constantly reassure Bandit and pay a lot of attention to him. He'll be happier in the new place just getting away from the stressful environment you are currently in.


Tell us more about you and Bandit! With pictures...

Edited by Doug
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Doug is right, you need to move out of this environment as soon as possible, cigarette smoke is dangerous for him and for us not to mention the cats which if one of them should get their mouth on him the bacteria could be lethal. The move need not be stressful if you handle it right, tell him what you are doing and if you are calm and easygoing then he will not be alarmed by the move. I don't see how you are getting any sleep in a place like you describe.

Please do introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us more about yourself and Bandit.

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I see you have been a member of the Grey Forums for awhile. Glad you decided to post!!!! Your grey will be fine with the move cause you will be going with him and it sounds like you are his main provider. So if you are calm and talk to Bandit about what is going on, I think all will be fine. Just be calm and relaxed and Bandit will most likely catch your vibes and be the same. Kudoes to you for wanting to provide a safer and healthier home for your sweet grey. Looking at your Avatar, Bandit is a very handsome grey. Can;t wait to hear more about him.

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I would just like to start off by thanking each of you from the bottom of my heart for your kind and supportive responses. It's been very tough having to deal with the conditions of this place. For whatever reason, I just can't get it through to my boyfriend that this isn't a good place for us and he doesn't seem to get it, probably because its his parents house and he's so used to it. It's a very hard situation and I'm keeping in mind the harm it's doing to myself and Bandit. I love him so much and just can't take it anymore. I am his main provider and will continue to be. It has helped me a lot to see that my gut feeling is correct. I don't mean to spew my problems but I needed exactly what you've said. As for not having posted, I've never done or been on something like this and honestly was bit nervous at first, as I didnt know reactions I'd get or really how to navigate the site.haha. But I absolutely will be on here a lot more often and will be sure to post more pictures and updates on bandit and myself. I'm actually a photographer so taking photos is what he's used to by now. :)

Thank you again!

Lexy and Bandit

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Welcome, and I look forward to hearing more and we LOVE pics! Follow your gut feeling, it is always right, both of you need to live in a healthier emvirement. We are here to listen, offer advice, and support you.

I hope you can find a new place ASAP! Keep us posted.

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CrazyGreyLover.We are all crazy grey lovers here. We all love Greys and the people who love Greys.

Please never be worried about posting here whether it is a question about your Grey or just to tell us about your Grey day and the things that happen or that your Grey does. If you are able we like the occasional pic as well.

Without people posting this forum would not exist!:eek:

Only the obnoxious are unwelcome but they never come here anyway.:)

As for your question I agree with the rest here. You should move as soon as you are able for the sake of all of you.

Bandit will soon settle down in his new home especially if it is a less stressful environment. Unless you feel the need to take a weeks break I would suggest you just move asap. If you do take a break, as long as Bandit knows you are with him he will be fine. I am sure you know tobacco smoke is a killer of humans as well as parrots but parrots are much more at risk because of the way their lungs work. They have more efficient lungs than we do but that also means they are better at absorbing poisons in the air than we are. Canaries used to be used to detect poison gas in mines for that reason. It saved human lives:) but it was hard on the Canaries.:(


Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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Change is hard for all of us Lexy, but sometimes just identifying what we want is the hardest part and the rest may be a pleasant surprise for you and Bandit. Take good care of yourself and everyone who loves you will step up and do better too. It is still hard to step into the unknown. You won't know how all of this has affected you until you are in a quiet spot and feeling relaxed and happy. It will all work out and you will see a beautiful new beginning for yourself. Luvparrots said what I was thinking, in all of the new changes, you will be the steady influence for Bandit and he will be responsive to your attitude that this may be a change, but it will be good for each of you.

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Thank you everyone! It's very nice to hear so many people with so many positive things to say. How truly refreshing!

I will be sure to keep everyone posted about what's going on with myself and Bandit! He loves getting his picture taken and always poses for them... Or goes after the camera.hahaha.

How does everyone get the pictures at the bottom of every post though? And is there a photo album you can post pictures to? I'm not sure how do to anything like that.

I'm going to try to give bandit a shower today because it's going to be really nice out and he's starting to get dusty again. Hes not really a fan though. He just kinda sits under the water and sulks. Then of course after he is happy as can be.haha. I'm hoping he'll eventually start to like them. But maybe after I can get some good pictures! [=

Hope everyone is well! I'd love to hear about all of your wonderful Grey stories!

Lexy and Bandit

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You can upload a picture to your signature (but the forum will rescale the picture to limit the size so it will be of poor picture quality) or you can upload pictures to a photo-hosting website (I use flickr.com) and put a link into your signature. If you do the latter and have problems with the link, send me a private message and I will walk you through it.

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