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Big enough for a TAG??


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From the link: Interior dimensions: approx 80 X 57.5 X 93cm


That's a bit smaller than Ellie's cage (Ellie is also a TAG). Mine, from King's Cages, has inside dimensions of, roughly, 81 cm W x 64 cm D (32" W x 25" D). The bar spacing is 2.4 cm (0.94"). It seems that most recommendations for TAGs is to have a bar spacing of 3/4" (1.9 cm). The concern is that the TAG will stick its head through and not be able to get it out.


I would prefer bigger, but I'm not sure where I would put a bigger cage! Of course, most days Ellie doesn't spend the whole day in her cage, so it isn't as critical.

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102 X 79 X 188 cm is almost the size of DJ's cage, and he is very happy. He doesn't even use the lower part, always playing on the top. I guess it will be great for him :)


Those're the outside dimensions. (Including the playtop and the seed catcher.)

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The bar spacing is 2.4 cm (0.94"). It seems that most recommendations for TAGs is to have a bar spacing of 3/4" (1.9 cm). The concern is that the TAG will stick its head through and not be able to get it out.




Oh my , ive brought it nwo so have i made a mistake ass i dont want that to happen obviously

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I can't make any definitive statements as I am a new grey owner. I'm sure a lot of people have successfully kept TAGs in cages with 1" spacing. Of course, I haven't died in a car crash yet, but that doesn't mean that I am a safe driver... (To quote financial planners, "Past performance is no indication of future results"...)


Dave is dead set against 1" spacing on cages for TAGs: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?193275-Help-with-bar-spacing.&p=231005&viewfull=1#post231005

Other people recommend 3/4" to 1" for TAGs.

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