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You don`t have to settle for less

Ray P

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If you follow the amazon room there is one thing that you should know by now from the amazon care givers is.

When you have a amazon you never have to settle for less because a amazon always has more to give, Like it or not there is always more to come.

To see Salsa and Jay in their tender moment, To watch Louie in luvparrots home clowning around and to read about Talons Nilah and her antics and with my zon Cricket with our own bonding that we share.

I think you need a grey and a zon to make you well rounded. A grey and a amazon bring balance to your life. What one doesn`t cover the other will.

So if you only have a grey than you need a amazon to make your life great. Than you have balance.

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Maybe in the near future! I always liked Zons, and was so close to getting one. I will surely take one but let me see how much can i handle with having two right now. I know that Zons talk in a much clearer way than Greys.

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No truer words were ever spoken. Amazons have an over abundance of love to give you. I do know that a grey owner would think they have it all with their precious grey, I thought the same with my 2. But I could never imagine the love and joy and happiness that Nilah brings to me. I love the balance between the amazon and the grey. Unless you've been lucky enough to experience it, there are no words to explain it, but I must say, You came the closest! Thank you!

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Zons do have so much more love than say, a grey in their own way. I've spoken about my Louie, oodles, the zon that I can't touch without a bite but the zon who listens and does what I ask without a touch. I can get him in his cage and travel cage and out of his cage when I want. He will go from room to room after me. He listens intently and does what I ask as long as I do not touch him he is happy. Now Louie can touch me, all he wants; he loves to preen my hair and put his foot on my arm but if I ask him to "step up" he flies off. The strange thing is that Louie, the untouchable, is the favorite parrot to all my children and the neighborhood. It has to be his personality and his joy in life because no one can touch him. My kids say, "no more parrots, Mom!" I say, I don't need anymore, I have a zon and two greys, who could ask for more. I have all the personalities wrapped in my comical zon and my so different TAG and CAG.

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Many of you know that I have young CAG Gracie. We are still working on our relationship but are very happy together. I have considered the possibility of getting a Lilac Crowned female amazon in the future, but that is far from certain. First, when would be good timing for that? Should I wait a couple years? Also, I live in a condo. Gracie is a little noisier than I expected, but so far no complaints from neighbors. Are lilac crowned amazons much noisier than greys? Do you think that would be a good match with a grey? Just curious.

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Many of you know that I have young CAG Gracie. We are still working on our relationship but are very happy together. I have considered the possibility of getting a Lilac Crowned female amazon in the future, but that is far from certain. First, when would be good timing for that? Should I wait a couple years? Also, I live in a condo. Gracie is a little noisier than I expected, but so far no complaints from neighbors. Are lilac crowned amazons much noisier than greys? Do you think that would be a good match with a grey? Just curious.


Please read this...


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NOT happy about recent posts. I have an Amazon and Grey. Not interested in arguing. Best, I ignore all posts. Kiki, my Amazon, is rated number 16. What does that mean? Spend some time arguing with Kiki regarding her status! She will tell you, she is number two! Behind Sophie Nancy



Really? Are you that petty? If you have read the thread correctly, it is a thread of honored amazons that join us in this room. It has nothing to do with WHO you are, HOW important you are, or HOW important your amazon is. It is just a random list of those amazons that join us as we find them......




I for one am very grateful for the wonderful team of mods we have here and am forever in their debt for all the work they do as mods.

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I apologize to all. Especially Ray P, and Talon! I appreciate any status Kiki has in the Amazon room. She is an awesome girl! I truly am NOT petty, and apologize if you think I am. I am unfortunately, rethinking, If I can be the best parent for my birds, dogs and children. I am unfortunately, in a crisis, and am seeking therapy. Ryan is coming home in two weeks. My therapist feels we can safely wait for him to come home, then make a plan. nancy

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I apologize to all. Especially Ray P, and Talon! I appreciate any status Kiki has in the Amazon room. She is an awesome girl! I truly am NOT petty, and apologize if you think I am. I am unfortunately, rethinking, If I can be the best parent for my birds, dogs and children. I am unfortunately, in a crisis, and am seeking therapy. Ryan is coming home in two weeks. My therapist feels we can safely wait for him to come home, then make a plan. nancy


I hope all works out well for you. Please know my thoughts are with you. We all make mistakes as parronts, but we learn and learn to hold our head up and move forward, one step, one experience at a time....just like we do as parents of our children.

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